Miscellaneous Clinical Information NURSING STUDENTS HR 01.04.01 EP2 the hospital provides orientation to staff
Assessing and Managing Pain The following pain assessment tools are utilized at PSMH for all types of patients Numeric Pain Intensity Scale (NPIS) Visual Pain Analogue (VPA/faces) Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD) FLACC (face, legs, activity, cry and consolability) for non-verbal infant and pediatrics Neonatal Intensity Pain Scale (NIPS) for neonates
Pain Assessment A comprehensive pain assessment is initiated on admission/arrival Patients will be reassessed after administration of pain medications within a time consistent with the anticipated onset of effect of the specific medication administered.
Team Communication Students and Instructors must communicate care, progress and changes in patient conditions to the primary nurse with a frequency sufficient to support the patients plan of care The ISBARQ communication tool is utilized for communication between members of the health care team
ISBARQ ISBARQ will be the format utilized in all hand off communication I- Introduction S- Situation B- Background A- Assessment R- Recommendation Q- Questions HR 01.05.03 EP6 TEAM COMMUNICATION
Palliative Care PSMH employees and students will work collaboratively to ensure respectful and responsive care of the dying patient. Needs of the dying patient will include psychological, social, emotional and spiritual support. Students will work collaboratively with nurses and instructors to provide this need for patients, families and friends. PC 02.02.13 EP3 PT NEAR END OF LIFE RECEIVE CARE TO PSYCHOSOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRTUAL NEEDS COMFORT AND DIGNITY
Color Coded Arm Bands The following color coded Stickers for arm bands are utilized at PSMH WHITE- patient identification RED- allergies YELLOW- fall risk PINK-----no blood pressure, lab sticks, IVs, or injections to that extremity for any reason (lymphedema, dialysis site, mastectomy, etc.) PURPLE- Do Not Resuscitate GREEN- Blood Bank HR 01.05.03 EP8 STAFF PARTICIPAT IN FALL REDUCTION ACTIVITIES (YELLOW FALL RISK)