Parenting and Discipline Styles The good, the bad, and the ugly!
Parenting Styles Few parents are likely to fit neatly into any one category of parenting. As we discuss each one, try to determine which style is predominant with your parents!
AUTHORITARIAN Children are expected to take on adult responsibilities, but are given few rights. Strict, rigid standards are enforced. “Because I said so!” is the reason for compliance.
Child Behavior Under the Authoritarian Parenting Style Children under this parenting style tend to be obedient and controlled because they are afraid to be anything else! When the cat’s away, the mice will play. In other words, when the authority figure is gone, they act out. Lack of self control. Stiff, withdrawn and apprehensive.
PERMISSIVE Children have very few responsibilities but adult-like rights. Rules (if there are any) are not enforced. “Do whatever you want” is the message given. The child is in charge.
Child Behavior Under the Permissive Parenting Style Does not respond well to outside authority. Children under this parenting style tend to be dependent, needy, immature, and misbehave frequently.
AUTHORITATIVE Children experience a balance of age appropriate rights and responsibilities. Parents are demanding (not harsh), but loving. When parents lay down the law, they give the child reasons why it is important.
Child Behavior Under the Authoritative Parenting Style Children under this parenting style tend to be self-controlled, assertive, and curious.
How parents correct, guide, and manipulate a child’s behavior Discipline Styles How parents correct, guide, and manipulate a child’s behavior
POWER ASSERTION Taking advantage of being bigger, stronger, and more powerful Threats Shouting Scolding Physical punishment Depriving child of privileges Punishment not connected to the child’s behavior
POWER ASSERTION is correlated with the following behaviors in children: Lack of moral feeling Poor self control Failure to internalize moral values Low self esteem Low grades Poor social skills Aggressiveness Manipulation
INDUCTION Appealing to the child’s own resources and sense of responsibility Explanations given Reasonable standards set Child is taught how to meet those standards Parent acts as a coach or guide
Induction is correlated with the following behaviors in children: Feeling guilty if they hurt others Internalized standards of right and wrong Confess rather than lie if they misbehave Accept responsibility Considerate of others Thoughtful and helpful High self esteem
Parenting Styles Skit Your assignment is to create and preform a skit depicting one of 3 parenting styles we just learnt about. Grade scale: 5=obviously 4= Mostly 3=Kind of 2=not really 1=not at all All members were involved in the creation and/or performance ____ Creativity ____ Audience (classmates/teacher) could easily identify parenting style ____x2= ____ Contains minimum of two scene ____ Total ____/35