Behaviour and Learning Policy
Aims To inform pupils of the new Positive Behaviour steps.
Why? A survey by the school’s Rights Respecting Group identified that; “74% of Bannockburn High School pupils stated that negative behaviour in school impacts on their right to learn” This is not acceptable and this percentage needs to decrease.
Positive Behaviour Policy: Individual Roles Everyone has a part to play; Pupils to have respect for learning and teaching by following the school’s behaviour policy and reflecting on their own behaviour regularly. Teachers to visibly display positive behaviour strategies and follow these appropriately and consistently. Depute Year Heads ensuring that restorative conversations take place when beyond PT remit. Parents to support the school’s expectations of positive behaviour and to communicate any information that may impact on a pupil’s ability to uphold these.
Expectations Try your best at all times What is expected of you? Try your best at all times Follow all instructions when asked Arrive on time and ready to learn Treat everyone with respect Take care of all equipment
Demerit recorded on Seemis - Form Tutor and PT Pupil Support Monitor Assertive Discipline Techniques used in class - Referral if required to PT In class Re-focus card Demerit recorded on Seemis - Form Tutor and PT Pupil Support Monitor Re-room (if relevant) and Reflective Exercise issued based on ASPIRE value(s) - relevant for pupils to complete - Referral completed Pupil to return RE to office by 9am – before form. Detention (Phone Call in morning to alert parent/guardian) Sent home/Internal exclusion (Alert sent to staff) Parental Meeting with SLT
Re-focus Card If sent out of class you will be given a re-focus card. You will consider your behaviour and how it can be resolved. Your teacher will discuss this with you before you re-enter the class.
De-merits and Merits De-merits will be issued if upon re-entering the room you continue to disrupt learning – this will be issued based on an ASPIRE value – text message to be sent to parent/guardian. If you have -5 (awarded 2 merits and 7 de-merits etc.) action will be taken by your Form Tutor/Pupil Support such as a monitoring card/contact with home. Merits will be issued if you are excelling in class and based on an ASPIRE value – if you receive 8 merits a praise postcard will be sent home.
Reflective Exercise The Reflective Exercise is only issued if no other intervention has improved your behaviour and learning experience. The ASPIRE value(s) that you have not met will be ticked, you will copy out the definition of the value(s). You will also complete 2 targets at the bottom of the Reflective Exercise, based on how to improve in the selected value(s). A parental signature is also required. Parents will be aware of the issue of a Reflective Exercise through a text message.
Reflective Exercise This should then be returned to the school office by 9am the following day, before the bell for Form Time – box will be at the office. Failure to return the Reflective Exercise will result in Detention at lunch and contact with home. 3 reflective exercises in one term will result in further action.
REWARDS All merits and demerits will be taken into account when school trips, termly reward activities and other school activities are being offered. ANY QUESTIONS???