Welcome to Strategies for College Success SLS 1501 Professor Mark Hendrix
Contact info Me My Boss Professor’s Name: Mark Hendrix Office Location: CRA 213.2 Telephone: 561-993-1196 Email address: hendrixm@palmbeachstate.edu Home Page: http://www.palmbeachstate.edu/x461.xml?id=hendrixm Department Contact Name: Dr. Barry Moore Office Location: CRA 1052 Telephone: 561- 993-1134 Fax Number: 561-868-3538 Email address: mooreb@palmbeachstate.edu
Grading Chapter Reviews, Daily Assignments and Quizzes– 50% Career Project/Presentation - 10% Long Range Assignments – 20% Classroom Skills – 20% Evaluations – 10%
Mandatory Class Meetings: This means you cannot miss these class meetings without it affecting your grade Microsoft Outlook Orientation Library Orientation Computer Lab Orientation
Late Assignment Policy Daily Assignments are only collected on due dates Presentations are due on the date they have been scheduled.
Attendance Policy Students are required to attend at least 90% of the class meetings in order to receive credit for this course. If you want to be counted as present for that day, make sure your name is on the sign-in sheet.
Things You Must Have A Textbook A Panther Card A Palm Beach State College Student Email At least a 4gig USB flash drive A Set of #2 pencils pens stapler highlighters scissors Things You Must Have
Things NOT to Have Cell phone out or ringing during class Cell phones charging during class No laptops, unless part of a presentation Suggestive Clothing Hats, unless part of a presentation
HAND-WRITTEN WORK: Do not hand in hand-written homework on notebook paper that has been ripped from a spiral notebook. I will not accept it. If it is appropriate to hand write an assignment, you will need to remove the fringes from the notebook paper.
HOMEWORK and Study Buddies STUDY BUDDY: All students will be assigned a study buddy at the beginning of the semester. You will work with this person on homework notes and assignments that need to be handed in Homework is due on the date assigned. If you are going to be gone from a class meeting for ANY reason, connect with your Study Buddy to make sure you hand work in. DON’T EXPECT ME TO BRING YOUR HOMEWORK: I will not be printing your homework and bringing it to class. If you email me an assignment for hand-in, that will be done with my prior approval.
STAPLES and Names: Staple multiple sheets that you hand in to me. If you don’t, I will not be accepting them. Put your name on your work. If your name is not on written work or information you send me via email, I cannot guess where it came from, so I will not be issuing credit for unidentified work.
New Skills to Learn in this Class 1. Understand the factors involved with learning and memory. 2. Understand individual learning style. 3. Manage time more effectively. 4. Demonstrate effective note-taking skills using the Cornell method, mapping, and other methods. 5. Manage stress and control test-taking anxiety.
New Skills to Learn in this Class 6. Identify and state personal values, aptitudes, and abilities. 7. Learn and utilize effective study techniques. 8. Demonstrate improvement in test-taking skills. 9. Learn and exhibit effective communication skills in personal and professional relationships. 10. Read textbooks with improved comprehension and retention. 11. Identify and utilize appropriate college and community resources to include library, career center, and SLC orientation, and a follow-up appointment with an academic advisor for individual concerns.
New Skills to Learn in this Class 12. Understand college and academic terminology. 13. Develop skills for communicating across cultures and identify the riches contributed by diverse individuals. 14. Set up a method of recording my spending and maintaining a budget. 15. Identify career-related interests, skills, aptitudes, personal characteristics, personality traits, and values; apply these factors to my major or career choice and integrate them into a career research assignment. 16. Identify at least five health issues (hygiene, diet, exercise, mental/emotional being, mind/body connection, sexuality, addiction, etc.), and determine a personal health plan by which to address these issues.
Academic Dishonesty (AKA) Cheating (1) Cheating on an evaluations, (2) Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (3) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, (4) Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, evaluation, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other that the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed, (5) Plagiarism - For the first offense in academic dishonesty a student will receive zero credit for the assignment or test. Any further cheating by that student will result in removal from class and no credit will be given for the course. Please refer to the Palm Beach State College Student Handbook for further information. (www.palmbeachstate.edu/Documents/Marketing/studenthandbook.pdf). Academic Dishonesty (AKA) Cheating
Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines Students will demonstrate respect for professors and fellow students. Behavior that is disruptive to a positive learning environment reported by the professor First time: Warning Second time: Removal from the course or campus Serious offences will not get a warning Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines
Disability Support Services Students with disabilities are advised, in compliance with federal and state laws, that accommodations and services are available through the office of Disability Support Services (DSS). It is the student's responsibility to contact Disabled Student Services Advisors and to submit appropriate documentation prior to receiving services. Please see the website at: (www.palmbeachstate.edu/disabilities.xml).