Recognizing Archetypal Energy Patterns Learning the Dance Steps to Life: Recognizing Archetypal Energy Patterns and Learning How Not To Get Your Toes Tromped On ****** Anne Beversdorf
“Grokking” Energy Signatures Using astrological archetypes as a tool NOT depending on astrological timing but on your own observations. Learning to identify what pattern you are in: e.g. if you are “upset” does that mean Quick fury? Frantic? Confused? Grieving? Overburdened? Passionately outraged? Engaging your consciousness to observe your responses to the world around you Learning the “dance steps” to the energy you’ve engaged LECTURE about GROKKING, not about learning astrology Clients who tell ME “Mars is doing something to me. I recognize the feeling.”
What does it feel like? The WHOLE feeling…
Myth as activator… It would not be too much to say that myth is the secret opening through which the cosmos pours forth its inexhaustible energies into human cultural manifestation. ---Joseph Campbell Myth is the story of the archetypes.