National Agricultural Cooperative National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd NAFED - A National Level Cooperative Federation of Marketing Cooperatives Established - 2nd October,1958 and is registered under the Multi State Cooperatives Societies Act 1984 DETAILED INFO. ON NAFED’S OBJECTIVES, STRUCTURE, OPERATIONS AND PERFORMANCE AVAILABLE ON OUR BILINGUAL (ENGLISH & HINDI) WEBSITE:
OBJECTIVES * To promote Cooperative Marketing of Agricultural Commodities * To stabilize prices to the benefit of the farmers * To save farmers from distress sale through the mechanism of PSS/MIS operations * To reduce price gap between the producer and the consumer.
CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD AND COMMITTES CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD AND COMMITTES * Board of Directors consists of 24 members * Statutory Committees - Executive Committee, Business Committee * Other Committees - Finance Accounts & Audit Committee and Project Development Committee Reps. of State Federations 10 Elected Members of Primary Coop Societies 07 Elected Member of Commodity Federations 01 Rep. From UT Federations 01 Nominated by GOI 01 Coopted by BOD 02 Reps of NCCF/Other National level Organization 01 MD(Ex-officio) 01
MEMBERSHIP. State Level Marketing Federations. 25 MEMBERSHIP * State Level Marketing Federations 25 * Apex Level Marketing Federations 3 * State Level Commodity/Tribal Cooperative Fedns. 23 * Primary Marketing/Processing Societies 697 * Government of India 1 * National Level Cooperative Organizations 2 Total membership as on 31.03.2004 751
FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE Head Office - FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE Head Office - New Delhi Regional Offices- Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai Branch Offices - Delhi, Azadpur, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Bhatinda, Lucknow, Sriganganagar, Mumbai, Indore, Nasik, Pune, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Patna, Guwahati, Bhubaneswar, Raipur, Siliguri, Chennai, Bangalore, Cochin, Hyderabad, Calicut, Tuticorin Sub-Offices - Shimla, Jammu, Srinagar, Bhopal, Rajkot, Vashi, Agartala, Nagapattinum Industrial & - Indore, Bharatpur, Pimpalgaon, Lasalgaon, Comml. Units Vashi, Abohar, Raichur, Delhi ASCs - Rudrapur, Ludhiana, Indore, Bharatpur, Raichur Godowns - Delhi, Vashi, Chennai, Lasalgaon, Bharatpur, Madhwaram, Koyambedu, Mattancherry, Lucknow
DOMESTIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Domestic Operations DOMESTIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Domestic Operations * Procurement and disposal of agricultural commodities based on annual budgetary provision * Joint Venture operations with its member cooperatives * Agency/Consignment purchase and sale of agricultural commodities
GROUP-WISE DETAILS OF INTERNAL TRADE FOR LAST 5 YEARS. (Value in Rs GROUP-WISE DETAILS OF INTERNAL TRADE FOR LAST 5 YEARS (Value in Rs. Lacs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sl. Fin. Year Foodgrains Pulses Oilseeds Spices Others Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1999-00 2187.85 11141.15 22129.70 2275.46 7825.13 45559.29 2. 2000-01 3159.92 11576.01 62234.38 1012.51 29759.32 90361.71 3. 2001-02 2086.20 13511-11 98626-38 593.79 21598.67 136416-18 4. 2002-03 4503.51 11699-37 155405-92 1821-15 23262-31 196692-26 5. 2003-04 3460.17 12830.01 24805.95 2057.00 41906.47 85059.60
INDUSTRIAL AND ALLIED ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIAL AND ALLIED ACTIVITIES * Nafed Biofertiliser, Indore (450 MTs) and Bharatpur (300 MTs) * Nafed Warehousing & Processing Industries (NWPI) at Vashi, Mumbai (5500 MTs) * Cold Storage at Lawrence Road, Delhi (5000 MTs) * Nafed Kinnow Grading, Waxing & Precooling-cum-cold Storage at Maujgarh, Punjab (Proc. 3 MT/Day, Storage 30 MTs) * Nafed Precooling and Cold Storage at Pimpalgaon (1050 MTs), Lasalgaon Godown (2500 MTs), Maharashtra * Nafed Spices Processing and Warehousing Complex, Chennai (7000 MTs) * Mattancherry & Gandhinagar Godowns, Cochin (900 MTs) * Madhavram Godown, Chennai (3500 MTs) * Koyambedu Godown, Nagapattinum * Bhiwadi Godown, Rajasthan (150 MTs) * Nafed Bazaars (2 Nos.)
INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS * Nafed undertakes export of agricultural commodities categorised under OGL * Nafed is also one of the canalising agencies of the GOI for export of Onion and Nigerseed. Nafed has specialised in Onion export, being the sole canalising agency during 1974-1998 * Nafed also undertakes import of agricultural commodities in its own account or on the advice of GOI * Nafed imports almost always to meet known gaps of production and consumption
EXPORTS BY NAFED DURING LAST 5 YEARS Sl. Commodity. Year Qty in MTs EXPORTS BY NAFED DURING LAST 5 YEARS Sl Commodity Year Qty in MTs Value in Rs Lac 1. Onion 1999-00 24909 2429.31 2000-01 38941 3453.25 2001-02 23903 2449-72 2002-03 14242 1660-19 2003-04 15797 2167.80 Onion (Asso.Shippers) 1999-00 121157 9246.44 2000-01 142586 12578.75 2001-02 165157 13006.73 2002-03 137189 9642.39 2003-04 231820 21686.39 2. Potato 1999-00 1450 165.46 2000-01 1450 178.28 2001-02 25 3.40 2002-03 1037 132.67 2003-04 3760 567.02 3. Garlic 1996-97 34 11.39 1998-99 34 11.98 2001-02 15 7.53
EXPORTS (contd. ) Sl. Commodity. Year Qty in MTs. Value in Rs Lac 4 EXPORTS (contd..) Sl Commodity Year Qty in MTs Value in Rs Lac 4. Fresh Fruit & Veg. 1996-97 155 38.62 1997-98 - 11.20 5. Nigerseed 1999-00 1278 361.95 2000-01 684 158.74 2001-02 108 18.39 2002-03 72 19.06 2003-04 274 68.23 Nigerseed(Asso.Shippers) 2003-04 759 268.89 6. Ground Nut 1999-00 18 3.09 2003-04 14689 6824.35 7. Safflower 1996-97 176 26.16 8. Sunflower 2000-01 13 6.10 9. Bajra 1996-97 435 40.01 1997-98 500 49.80 1998-99 200 20.35 10. Jowar 1996-97 327 30.38 1997-98 360 36.85
EXPORTS (contd. ) Sl. Commodity. Year Qty in MTs. Value in Rs Lac 11 EXPORTS (contd..) Sl Commodity Year Qty in MTs Value in Rs Lac 11. Rice 1999-00 100 12.26 2001-02 127639 8582.76 2002-03 248506 1524.94 2003-04 209441 16290.06 12. Maize 1997-98 250 28.10 2003-04 9470 563.77 13. Wheat & Wheat Flour 2001-02 109894 5397.33 2002-03 102772 4982.56 2003-04 84356 5641.73 14. Gram 1997-98 3664 235.80 2003-04 22 5.27 15. Turmeric 1999-00 589 204.00 2000-01 686 168.17 2001-02 451 109.34 2002-03 445 152.17 2003-04 425 179.20
EXPORTS (contd. ) Sl. Commodity. Year Qty in MTs. Value in Rs Lac 16 EXPORTS (contd..) Sl Commodity Year Qty in MTs Value in Rs Lac 16. Chillies 1997-98 41 80.63 1999-00 228 80.44 2003-04 597 252.31 17. Cuminseed 1996-97 48 29.23 18. Methiseed 1996-97 30 3.92 19. Black pepper 1997-98 30 54.88 20. Other Spices 1996-97 14 7.49 1997-98 - 0.10 1999-00 16 43.17 21. Cashew 2000-01 190 437.14 2001-02 160 303.06
EXPORTS (contd. ) Sl. Commodity. Year Qty in MTs. Value in Rs Lac 22 EXPORTS (contd..) Sl Commodity Year Qty in MTs Value in Rs Lac 22. Cotton 1997-98 4495 2399.94 2001-02 76 22.11 2002-03 1431 457.44 2003-04 709 524.18 23. Others 2003-04 4539 1114.95 (Sugar, Rubber,etc.)
SHARE CAPITAL Contribution from member cooperatives (Nafed has no share capital from GOI)
Designed by KK Jain, IT Deptt. Thanks