Using the Oil Mud Reservoir Imager (OMRI) to create Bouma Litho-Facies Geomodeling Curve Data from Gulf of Mexico Turbidite Sediments. Chris Williams, MS., PG. Senior Geoscientist
The question of how to convert log response to rock type is an old one, in 1919 the first use of electrical measurements of rocks in a wellbore, was used to determine the suitability of a metal ore body, to be mined. Old Schlumberger film from Leon Williams and we don’t know who made it (circa 1932). (
Hydrocarbon Column Interval Detailed Net Sand Count Litho-Facies Reservoir Quality Introduction Net Sand Count Sand Top Sand thickness is important but the real question is, “How Much of the Sand is of Reservoir Quality? In some deep water turbidite reservoirs, less than half of the potential hydrocarbon interval contributes to production. This Litho-Facies Analysis approach is designed to qualify the sands in terms of reservoir quality. 110’ 105’ 97’ 63’ Base
Introduction Bouma, A., (1962) Photo by C. Hans Nelson, (1978)
Turbidity Suspension Debris Flow Traction flow Background Turbidite flows use three main mechanisms to transport particles. Debris flows Traction flows Suspension flows Turbidity Suspension Head Debris Flow Traction flow Modified from Young K. Sohn (2000)
Classical Deepwater Turbidite Facies Architecture Background Turbidites deposits are the result of moving clastic sediments from up slope to down slope in a deep aqueous environment. Classical Deepwater Turbidite Facies Architecture Slope Inner Fan Middle Fan Outer Fan Confined Turbidite Deposits Semi-Confined Turbidite Deposits Un-Confined Turbidite Deposits modified from Campion et al., 2005.
Confined Turbidite Setting (Inner Fan) Background Turbidites can be classified by the environmental settings in which they are deposited. Each setting is characterized by a depositional style. Confined Turbidite Setting (Inner Fan) Channel Lag Deposits Debris Flow Deposits Stacked Sand Filled Channels Silty-Shaley Channel Matrix Main Turbidite Channel Margin modified from Campion et al., 2005. Good sand quality but limited areal coverage.
Semi-Confined Turbidite Setting (Middle Fan) Background Sand Filled Channel Deposits Semi-Confined Turbidite Setting (Middle Fan) Main Turbidite Channel Margin Silty-Muddy Channel Matrix modified from Campion et al., 2005. This setting makes for the most idea area for well placement, due to it being located nearest the best reservoir quality and connectivity to the downslope un-confined sections.
Background Un-Confined Turbidite Setting (Outer Fan) modified from Campion et al., 2005. Sandy, Sandy-Silty Turbidite Fan Lobes Un-Confined Turbidite Setting (Outer Fan) Turbidite Lobe Margins Muddy Matrix This setting has poorer sand quality but, can spread for 10’s of kilometers in all directions, creating huge fetch areas for hydrocarbons to migrate and collect.
Typical Turbidite Facies Association Background Typical Turbidite Facies Association Facies F, which are remobilized chaotic blocks of laminated sands, silts and muds often associated with slumping. F E Facies E, is almost entirely very thinly bedded clays and mudstone. D Facies D, also heterolithic, are mostly silty nearer the base with higher mud content and less silt nearer the top. C Facies C, are the first heterolithic beds deposited, laminated beds with soft sediment injection features grading to finer sediments higher in the column. B Facies B, are the first deposited sediments with sorted features, often laminated beds grading thinner and finer upwardly with water escape features near the top. A Facies A, are the basal debris flow deposits often described as chaotic.
Methodology, Step One Is to identify the zones of interest to be analyzed. Image logs are excellent for this. Oil Based Mud Resistivity Image (OMRI), X-Tended Range Micro Imager (XRMI) or, Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST) and gamma ray curve (GR) do a great job of defining bed boundaries. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 In this slide 3 zones of interest have been identified.
Methodology, Step Two Is integrating our knowledge of turbidite events, with all available data into an image log depth frame work. Zone 1 Sandy and Muddy Heterolithic lithologies, generally response well to dipmeter picking. As does Bouma Facies C, D and E. Zone 2 Zone 3
Integrating all available data. Methodology, Step Two Integrating all available data. Note lithologies and grain sizes in available mud logs. Note patterns of Increases or decreases grain size. Dark green grey marine Shale, traces of Silt. Shale Silt and traces of very fine grain Sand. Fining Upward Pattern Very fine grain Sand, occasional fine grain Sand grading to very fine gain Sand. Sand Silt
Neutron Porosity 0.5 ft. Avg. Methodology, Step Two Integrating all available data (Wireline and LWD). LWD Data 2MHz Resistivity Corrected 400kHz Resistivity Corrected Gamma Ray 0.5 ft. Avg. Delta T Compressional Bulk Density 0.5 ft. Avg. Neutron Porosity 0.5 ft. Avg. Delta T Comp. Long Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 2 Look at the Log Curve data, relative to the surrounding rocks. Zone 2 shows higher relative GR, lower Restivity, faster Delta T and higher Bulk Density than zones 1 or 3.
Methodology, Step Three Is to compare Image log textural appearance against the zones log response and litho description. Facies A, found in the confined and semi-confined “channelized” regions, when present appears at the base of turbidite events’ as a massive texture, with perhaps, ripped up clast from the surface below. OMRI Image XRMI Image Facies B Facies B Facies A Possible Rip-up clast Facies A Facies D Facies D
Methodology, Step Three From Rock Outcrop Facies B Methodology, Step Three Facies B, Fine grain sand beds with likely soft sediment water escape structures near the top. OMRI Image XRMI Image Likely soft sediment deformation features. Facies B Facies B Facies D
Methodology, Step Three Facies C, sandy heterolithic thinly laminated, very fine grain sands and silts with soft sediment water escape structures. OMRI Image using CoreBox Likely soft sediment deformation features. From Rock Outcrop Uniform dip throughout section Facies C
Methodology, Step Three Facies D, muddy heterolithic thinly laminated muds and ultra thin silty muds. OMRI Image Dipmeter plot As bed thickness becomes thinner than the resolution of the tool to detect them, the beds can appear as massive and auto dip will not make dip picks. XRMI Image Facies D From XRMI Facies D
OMRI CoreBox View Methodology, Step Three XRMI Image Facies F, are remobilized chaotic blocks of laminated sands, silts and muds often associated with slumping. This texture indicator is indicative of being in a confined turbidite channel setting. Additionally, the more numerous the slump features, the closer the well is likely to be near a channel margin. XRMI Image (Facies F) Slump block falling into (Facies D) Muddy heterolithic channel
Conclusions Litho-Facies Analysis Data is a product we can deliver to clients. Facies are customizable to the needs of the client. In this example we added a C- and D+ Facies.
Conclusions Pseudo Whole Core Litho-Facies Analysis Data in “pseudo whole core” format. Sand counts is now both qualitative and quantitative. Geologist now have a new tool to aid in the construction of depositional models. And Reservoir Engineers can more precisely simulate how a reservoir will react to production.
Thank you Chris Williams, MS., PG. Senior Geoscientist