Fleet as a Service ..………..VTS ………Assets …Insurance …………Rental .………Finance ……….….Repair Fleet as a Service
End-users remove IT dept from the decision making process Shadow IT keeps tech teams in the dark because such apps are accessed using a browser. Potential overhead may arise when interfacing between various apps will be required. Let alone data security and compliance risks. Are we talking regulations now? Can you regulate something you don’t really control?
Organization Culture
Going live on 1 Jan 2014 “…to provide UNHCR operations with appropriate, cost-effective, safe vehicles and professional fleet management services to support optimum programme delivery”.
6000 4000 Project-oriented approach all vehicles younger than 5 years No more old assets all vehicles younger than 5 years by the end of 2015 Rightsized fleet 4000
2018 – onwards: Full ON 2017-2018: Fuel Management 2016-2017: Power Equipment 2015-2016: Maintenance & Repair 2014-2015: Rental & Insurance
Storage Handling Preparation Processing Development Delivery VEHICLE HUBS Storage Handling Preparation INSURANCE CLAIMS Processing TRAINING Development Delivery
GFM in 2015 Fleet Manual Fleet Management Training Field roll-out of FleetWave VTS Policy & roll out Road Safety Campaign Disposal Auction Network Maintenance & Repair project
May 2015 Fleet: 5,581 vehicles Tracked: 27% On rent: 1,600 vehicles