The learning Experience of a 5th/6th Class Student in the Primary School setting Barbara O’Brien
Objectives of the Session To provide an overview of the learning experiences of 5th and 6th class pupils in the primary school setting To provide an overview of the teaching methodologies of the Primary school Curriculum To explore the three core subject area’s, english, irish and maths.
Primary Curriculum Principles Broad and balanced curriculum equip children with the knowledge and skills that will serve them later as adults environment based learning child is an active agent in their own learning language is central in the learning process.
Curriculum Subjects
Teaching Methodologies Talk and discussion active Learning guided discovery hands-on approach collaborative learning problem solving skills through content use of the environment
Gaeilge The emphasis in the junior years is on developing understanding and listening skills In the middle and senior classes, the programme is extended and the emphasis is on pupils’ receptive and expressive language skills These are developed through all 4 strands
Gaeilge éisteacht labhairt léitheoireacht Scríobhnoireacht.
Gaeilge Teachers use a variety of approaches communicative, task-based approach to language learning emphasis on enjoyment and on using the language in games, tasks, role-play, sketches and drama children are encouraged to speak the language in real- life contexts and situations.
English The content is presented in the four strands at each level: Receptiveness to language Competence and Confidence in using language Develop cognitive abilities through language Emotional and Imaginative development through language
English oral language reading writing.
English Oral language is central to the development of the child’s general language ability children’s reading encompasses a wide variety of text children write for different audiences, purposes and in a variety of genres.
English The curriculum identifies the importance of language in the learning process. The development of oral language is given an importance as great as that of reading and writing at every level in the curriculum.
What do we teach? Explicitly teach reading skills Explicitly teach comprehension skills Where possible link reading, writing and oral language Oral language is an essential component of every lesson and must be explicitly taught
How do we teach reading? Teacher read aloud Modelled reading Language experience approach Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading
Mathematics The mathematics curriculum identifies: mathematical skills to be developed content for children’ learning Discussion, hands-on experience and active learning are encouraged as well as the development of mathematical language to share ideas and thinking.
Mathematics to develop a positive attitude towards maths to develop problem solving abilities to develop mathematical language to enable the child to acquire an understanding of mathematical concepts and processes appropriate to their level of development and ability.
Mathematics Strands Number Shape and Space Measures Data algebra
Developing Mathematical Skills Applying & Problem-Solving Communicating & Expressing Integrating & Connecting Reasoning Implementing Understanding & Recalling (PSMC:1999: 68)
Numeracy: The Big Picture Specific Competencies Key Skills Teaching Strategies Wider Primary Curriculum
Good practice in mathematics teaching involves.... Activity based learning Clear use of mathematical language Fundamental maths skills and knowledge A problem solving approach
Discussion Teacher/Pupil Pupil/Pupil Support and challenge the discussion What do you think? How did you do it? Talk me through it. Is there another way that you could do it? Pupils discuss each others approaches/strategies
Supporting and Developing Mathematical Thinking Pupil self-reflection Teacher as Facilitator Child-centred Eliciting Supporting Extending Language-based Revoicing Higher-order skills Teacher not sole validator of mathematical knowledge - Strategy-sharing
Available at - Mathematics Teachers’ Manuals Available at - Mathematics
Concrete – Pictorial - Abstract Differentiation Learning Trajectory
Overview of PDST Primary Supports for Leading Learning in the 21st Century PDST Leadership Programmes Misneach.....New Principals Tánaiste.......New Deputy Principals Tóraíocht.....Aspiring Leaders accredited by Maynooth University Forbairt .......Experienced Principals & ALNs Spreagadh...NAPD & PDST collaboration PDST Websites (portal for resources) (on-line courses) School-Self Evaluation Teaching & Learning Framework; 6 Step SSE Process; gathering, collating & analysing relevant data; implementing the SIP for literacy, numeracy and any other area of teaching & learning. Literacy SSE & strategies for improving oral language, writing, reading and the use of broadcast /digital media. Numeracy SSE & strategies for improving numeracy. Supporting the development of Mathematical thinking. Gaeilge Tacaíocht chun Curaclam na Gaeilge a chur i bhfeidhm i Scoileanna T1&T2, Féinmheastóireacht Scoile, chomh maith le tacaíocht lán Ghaeilge a sholáthar do Ghaelscoileanna agus scoileanna sa Ghaeltacht. Hide for post-primary seminars Integrating ICT - Primary Active Learning Methodologies- Key methodologies of the primary curriculum through the effective use of ICT. Literacy & Numeracy – Creating, developing and using ICT to create teaching resources in all areas of primary literacy and numeracy. SSE – Online tools for gathering, collating & analysing relevant data. eAssessment & ePortfolios – Assessment of / for learning with ICT. ePlanning & Collaboration – Google Apps for Education. Tablet Technology Integration – Pedagogy, Curriculum & SEN Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) – Google Classroom, Edmodo Health and Wellbeing SPHE including Child Protection and Stay Safe Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Active Learning Methodologies Anti Bullying-Procedures and Policy, Awareness Raising, Intervention, Prevention and Intervention Strategies PE Wellbeing for teachers Models of support:in-school support (in-class modeling, meeting principal/groups of teachers, Croke Park hrs), seminars, workshops, clusters