Mexican Cuisine
Staple Ingredients Corn Beans Peppers
Mexican Cuisine Fruits Vegetables Sauces Avocadoes, Guavas White Potatoes, Artichokes, Spinach Sauces Often use thick sauces as dressings or over meat and vegetables.
Mexican Beverages Most Popular Chocolate Drinks Coffees
Mexican Meals Traditionally eat four times a day. Desayuno The first meal of the day. A substantial breakfast. Comida Main meal of the day Served between one and three o’clock. - Six Courses Appetizer Soup A small dish of stew A main course Beans Desert & coffee
Meals Cont. Merienda Cena A light snack Served around five or six o’clock. Cena Supper Served between eight and ten o’clock at night. Smaller and lighter than lunch.