Definitions due: Fri. 10/14 Quiz Thur. 10/20


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Presentation transcript:

Definitions due: Fri. 10/14 Quiz Thur. 10/20 Word Study #3 WORD PART OF THE WEEK homo- Definitions due: Fri. 10/14 Quiz Thur. 10/20

1. homophone (noun) suffix: -phone

2. homogeneous or homogenous (adjective) suffix: -genos suffix: -ous

3. homicide (noun) suffix: -cide

4. homograph (noun) suffix: -graph

5. homogenize (verb) suffix: -genos suffix: -ize

Word Study #3 homo- homophone (hom·o·phone) NOUN suffix = -phone homogeneous (ho·mo·ge·ne·ous) ADJECTIVE suffix = -genos suffix = -ous homicide (hom·i·cide) NOUN suffix = -cide homograph (hom·o·graph) NOUN suffix = -graph homogenize (ho·mog·e·nize) VERB suffix = -genos suffix = -ize


Homo- means: same originated from: Greek

1. homophone (noun) suffix: -phone = sound Two words that sound the same but have a different meaning and spelling suffix: -phone = sound

2. homogeneous or homogenous (adjective) Of the same nature or kind suffix: -genos = kind, gender, race, stock suffix: -ous = adjective

3. homicide (noun) the killing of one kind by the same kind suffix: -cide = killer or act of killing

4. homograph (noun) words that have the same spelling but different meanings suffix: -graph = written

5. homogenize (verb) to make the same suffix: -genos = kind, gender, race, stock suffix: -ize = verb

Word Study #3 homo- means same (Greek origins) homophone - two words that sound the same but have a different meaning suffix: -phone = sound homogeneous/homogenous - of the same or similar nature or kind suffix: -genos = kind, gender, race, stock suffix: -ous = adjective homicide - the killing of one kind by the same kind suffix: -cide = killer or act of killing homograph - words that have the same spelling but different meanings suffix: -graph = written homogenize - to make the same suffix: -genos = kind, gender, race, stock suffix: -ize = verb