One tuna sandwich equals 275 Calories This would be an example of CALORIC INPUT When energy is taken into the body
Walking at a very brisk pace uses approximately 280 units of energy or 280 calories. This would be considered CALORIC OUTPUT The amount of energy or calories used up.
Just for thought 2,000 steps = 1 mile 2,000 steps = 15 minutes 2,000 steps = 100 calories 10,000 steps per day = 500 calories burned Examples in a typical day: Walking up 5 flights of stairs = 500 steps Getting up and walking to co-workers desks = 500 steps Walking 4 city blocks = 500 steps
Caloric Input/ Output Comparisons One cheeseburger equals approximately 300 calories Biking for an hour will use up approximately 300 calories
A Stacked Italian hoagie equals about 550 calories You would have to jog for about 70 minutes to burn this hoagie off
READY FOR THIS? There are approximately 210 calories in a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal. There are approximately 300 calories in a chicken patty .
300 calories 100 calories per cookie 750 calories 1285 calories
DID THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR DAILY INTAKE? If you add beverages to the food items you just saw, you are looking at a total intake of over 3000 calories DID THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR DAILY INTAKE? If so, keep the following in mind
Walking 150 calories per hour Sitting 90 calories per hour Standing 135 calories per hour Sleeping: 80 calories per hour
See if you can figure out how many calories you burn in one day (24 hour period).