Our children’s futures..…… celebrating communication
Barking and Dagenham Children’s Services An ambitious Borough with the community at the heart of all we do A Borough facing challenges with the determination to achieve excellence Where our success as a team is greater than our individual skills Where the voice of EVERY child matters Has achieved great things but is determined to do even more Making a bigger difference for our children and young people building achievement, community cohesion and empowerment .
In Barking and Dagenham: Every child is valued, supported and challenged so that they develop the ambition, skills and resilience to succeed. Every child knows that they are a part of and have a responsibility to contribute to, building a strong, empowered and cohesive community.
Children are 1/3 of our population and all of our future… All committed to communicating with children Children are 1/3 of our population and all of our future…
Context Joint Central Training Professional Programme Development (ESSaL) Central Training Programme SLCN Handbook and Training ACTT Hello Link Groups Receptive Language Project Elklan for secondary ELCISS Project Inclusion Development Programme
What did we do first ? Formed a steering group Members Education Health Early Years Libraries Youth services Extended services Parents
Local Launch
Education Education Inclusion Team Engagement Team Barking Town Hall Council Chamber Visit for School Councils English Team EMPOWERING VOICES: DIALOGUE IN CLASSROOMS, SCHOOLS AND BEYOND with Professor Robin Alexander
Speech & Language Therapy Service for Children Informing our fellow Health Professionals about children’s communication difficulties: Survey Training Articles 10
Early Years Every month there will be a focus for: Parents / Carers, Practitioners and Children in Children’s Centers, Day Nurseries and Pre- schools. For example in March: Parents / Carers – Ante-natal Play and Communication Workshop Practitioners – Listening to Young Children training Children – Chatterbox Challenge
Libraries Year round reading club at all our libraries called the Reading Zone – World Adventure Children choose and read books then discuss them with the librarians There are 10 levels and at the end of each level children receive a prize and certificate