Robust “Fancy” Words 30-50
Confident: when you believe in yourself and what you can do.
Encourage: to give hope.
Reverse: to turn back or do the opposite of.
Talent: a special ability or skill someone has.
Mellow: gentle or calm. mellow
Automatic: doing something without having to think about it.
Perfectly: altogether; done the right way.
Lonely: feeling like you are along or by yourself.
Aroma: the smell of something.
Whirl: to spin around and move in circles.
Famished: to feel extremely hungry.
Protecting: to cover or shield from something that could cause harm.
Volunteer: to offer to do something.
Defend: to keep danger away or bad things from happening.
Arise: to get up, sometimes from sleeping.
Disaster: when something really bad happens.
Amazed: to feel surprised or filled with wonder.
Complained: to whine or say negative things.
Voyage: a journey made by water.
Melancholy: feeling sad.