Presentation overview: Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Presentation overview: Introduction Small Scale Enclosure Design Variables under investigation Test matrix Results Vent opening pressure and behavior (plastic+ FIKE) Max overpressure vs. plastic sheet configuration Max overpressure vs. vent location Max overpressure vs. Obstacle configuration Max overpressure vs. Ignition location Pressure peaks (3rd local pressure peak) ICHS, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13 2017
Introduction HySEA projects objectives include: Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Introduction HySEA projects objectives include: To perform experiments in real-life enclosures and containers with industry-representative obstacles in hydrogen energy applications; To characterize different venting systems (e.g. doors, natural vent openings, etc.) and include measurements of structure response in these tests; WP-2.2: Explosion experiments with homogeneous mixtures in small-scale enclosures HySEA-D-2-01-2016 Small-scale enclosure dimension and design HySEA-D-2-03-2017 Small-scale enclosure Experimental campaign of hydrogen deflagrations for homogeneous H2 concentrations “…design a generic experimental enclosure suitable for investigating vented hydrogen explosions in installations such as gas cabinets, cylinder enclosures, dispensers and backup power systems.” ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Small Scale Enclosure design Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Small Scale Enclosure design Height – 2000 mm Width – 920 mm Depth – 620 mm l = 50 mm a = 4 mm Vent dimensions b = 500 mm c = 800 mm ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Small Scale Enclosure design Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Small Scale Enclosure design Pressure transducer (Side) Pressure transducers: Bottom: Center of the floor Side: On the centerline of the back plate 1.5 m above the floor Hydrogen release hole Pressure transducer (Bottom) Fan Internal camera External camera Pressure acquisition: 5 kHz Video recording: 240 frames per second ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Small Scale Enclosure design Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Small Scale Enclosure design 5 Sampling locations Ignition location: Bottom: On the centerline 0.5m above the floor Centre: On the centerline 1m above the floor Top: On the centerline 1.5 m above the floor 3 Ignition locations ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Variables under investigation Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Variables under investigation Hydrogen concentration: between 10%vol. and 18%vol. Vent location: the two possible locations of the vent area are on the top and on the upper front wall of the enclosure (only one of the two is used in each test) Vent type: three different types of FIKE explosion vent had been tested as well as a plastic sheets in different configurations (the plastic sheet had been cut in order to lower its opening pressure and avoid plastic deformation before rupture) Ignition location: The flammable mixture could be ignited along the centreline of the enclosure at three different heights (top, middle and bottom part of the enclosure) Internal obstacle configuration: Empty enclosure has been studied as reference case, than one or three gas bottles were placed inside the enclosure to study the effect of the congestions on the deflagrations. ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Variables under investigation Vent location Vent type Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Variables under investigation Vent location Vent type Plastic sheets FIKE vents Top vent 1 1 Area: 0.4 m2 Area: 0.4 m2 P open: 35-65 mbar 2 2 Area: 0.4 m2 Cut along the perimeter (sealed by paper tape) Area: 0.4 m2 P open: 85-115 mbar Front vent 3 3 Area: 0.4 m2 Cross cut (sealed by paper tape) Area: 0.4 m2 P open: 75-125 mbar ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Variables under investigation Internal obstacle configuration Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Variables under investigation Internal obstacle configuration Empty SSE 1 bottle 3 bottles Free volume~1.141 m3 Free volume~1.085 m3 Free volume~0.974 m3 Volume reduction 4.86% Volume reduction 14.58% ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Experimental campaign Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Experimental campaign Total number of tests 76 Tests with homogeneous concentration 74 Bottom pressure time history Side pressure time history Mechanical displacement measurement 19 Laser displacement measurement 49 Lower front plate Plate centre 11 93.1 cm 2 111.45 10 Upper front plate 26 Tightening torque 50 N-m 14 80 N-m 6 20 N-m Flame video recording (Aerosol dispersion of salty water) Lateral view 20 Internal view 24 Vent video recording 42 37 35 (43) Displacement video recording (During mechanical measurements) 8 ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Experimental campaign Presentation of results Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Experimental campaign Presentation of results Test # H2 concentration Vent Loc. Vent type Ignit. Locat. Obstacle conf. Vent opening press. Pb/Ps [mbar] Max peak press. Pb/Ps Test plate # / thickness Displ. Locat. Max displ. [mm] Displ. time hist. NOTES Sampl. location [%vol.] Aver. [%vol.] TP01 12.0% 11.9 Top vent Plastic sheet 1 Bottom (#2) Empty 23.7/21.9 23.7/21.9 (3)(4) 1 / 2mm Plate centre 12 NO 11.8% 11.9% 12.2% TP02 13.8% 13.8 27.9/25.7 31.4/26.8 18 13.9% 13.6% 14.1% TP03 15.4% 15.53 44.2/35.1 60.2/49.2 17 15.6% 15.3% 15.95% TP04 14% 14.3 Centre (#3) 41.6/36.7 41.6/36.7 (3)(4) 14.5% 14.6% ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Plastic sheet configuration 1 Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Plastic sheet configuration 1 Vent opening pressure and behavior Plastic sheet configuration 3 ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Vent opening pressure and behavior (plastic sheets) Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Vent opening pressure and behavior (plastic sheets) The opening pressure increases when increasing hydrogen concentration. Even though plastic sheet has a very low opening inertia its behavior is affected by the reactivity of the mixture Obstacle configuration affects the opening pressure of the plastic sheet, reducing the free volume inside the SSE the opening pressure increases ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Peak pressure difference Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Vent Opening (FIKE ) (Test TP20 – H2 conc. 14.1%vol. – bottom ignition) Complete detachment (~3 frames ) (~0.012 seconds ) Typical P-T history Vent starts to open (frame 0) Vent open completely (frame 3) Pbottom - Pside Peak pressure difference Vent area completely free (frame 10) Vent area completely free (~10 frames ) (~0.0416 seconds) ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Vent opening pressure (FIKE vents) Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Vent opening pressure (FIKE vents) Popen: 85-115 mbar Popen: 35-65 mbar Opening pressure plate data for commercial vents refers to «static pressure» Popen: 75-125 mbar [bar/s] ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Vent location Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Tests performed with the same vent characteristics and opening features were compared to investigate the dependence of the maximum peak pressure with the vent location Results Maximum overpressure vs. Vent location In the configurations with the empty facility top vent is more effective in mitigating the maximum overpressure but results are comparable with the one of the front vent (max ΔP 20 mbar at 16% average concentration) 3 bottles Empty In the configuration with 3 bottles inside the facility the front vent is more effective than the top one in mitigating the internal maximum overpressure ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Vent location Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Maximum overpressure vs. Vent location Empty In the configurations with the empty facility and with 1 bottle inside the SSE vents located on top or front of the facility are comparable in mitigating the generated overpressure 3 bottles All ignition locations 1 bottle In the configuration with 3 bottles inside the SSE the front vent is more effective than the top one in mitigating the internal maximum overpressure ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Obstacle configuration Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Maximum overpressure vs. Obstacle configuration All ignition locations For the empty SSE the maximum peak overpressure is lower than the one obtained in configurations where 1 or 3 bottles are placed inside Front vent Only Bottom ignition Front vent Results of tests performed with 1 or 3 bottles produced comparable overpressures ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Obstacle configuration Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Maximum overpressure vs. Obstacle configuration Top vent - All ignition locations For top vent location a slight dependence of the maximum peak overpressure with obstacle configuration has been found Top vent - Only Bottom ignition The maximum peak overpressure increases when increasing the degree of congestion inside the facility ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Ignition location Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Maximum overpressure vs. Ignition location Front vent : Center ignition location is closer to the vent surface than in top vent configurations Center ignition produces lower maximum peak overpressure with respect to bottom ignition Top and center ignition are both “close vent ignitions” Front vent Top vent: Top ignition always produces lower overpressures Bottom and center ignition produce comparable results (Empty + 1 bottle) ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Maximum overpressure vs. Ignition location (Top vent) Empty Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Maximum overpressure vs. Ignition location (Top vent) Empty 1 bottle The behavior seems not to be confirmed for obstacle configuration where 3 bottles are placed inside the facility Despite only one test was ignited from the centre location, the resulting overpressure is much lower than the one obtained igniting from the bottom When venting through the top, bottom and center ignition produce comparable results (maximum overpressure), while top ignition always produces lower overpressures 3 bottles ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Deflagration Pressure peaks Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results Results Deflagration Pressure peaks The 3rd peak is always higher at Pbottom (often not the dominant one at Pside) Some of the tests showed a number of pressure peaks after the so called “2nd peak”. Of these peaks, the first one, identified as 3rd peak, may be higher than the 2nd peak (Pext) ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results HySEA CONSORTIUM ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The HySEA project received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) under grant agreement No. 671461. This Joint Undertaking received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and Norway. ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Homogeneous hydrogen deflagrations in small scale enclosure. Experimental results THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! ICHS 2017, Hamburg (Germany) September, 11-13