1/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen MicroCheap Work Package 5
2/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen The DGS e.V. Activities of the DGS: DGS-Newsletter weekly readers
3/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen WP 5 in the project framework WP4: Co-ordination of European research activities Will exchange information with WP2, WP3 and WP5, and feed information to WP6 WP2: Elaboration of the current state of the art and market size Will exchange information with WP3 and WP4 and feed information to WP6 WP3: Mapping of current research activities and centres of excellence Will exchange information with WP2 and WP4, and feed information to WP5 and WP6 WP5: Investigation of links between renewable energy systems and micro-CHP Will receive input from WP2 – WP4, and feed information to WP6 WP6: Technology transfer and staff secondments Will make use of results from WP2 – WP5 Start Month 13 End Month 30
4/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen Tasks of the partners I
5/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen Tasks of the partners II
6/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen WP5 Objectives + Results Objectives: To identify renewable energy technologies to be combined with micro-CHP systems To assess the market feasibility of new renewable micro-CHP systems in comparison with systems analysed in WP1 To steer future research in micro-CHP towards sustainable energy systems Deliverables: D21Documented review of technological links to renewable energy systems and market potential (Month 30) Expected results and corresponding milestones: M5.1 Identification of suitable technologies for investigation (Month 18)
7/23 Dipl.-Ing. (EUR ING) Jan Kai Dobelmann MSc DGS-Vize-Präsident MicroCHEAP Kopenhagen WP 5 description of work Description of work: identify technologies for new renewable micro-CHP systems or conversion with renewable energy sources. Basis on information from WP1 and WP2. Technology criteria: Efficiency of energy conversion, Cost of production, Reliability and maintenance, Cost of integration, Environmental benefits and impact, payback time, costs of energy production outlined within WP, existing research recorded within WP2 Feasibility studies on new or converted technologies. Evaluation of the results for overcoming the barriers of implementation highlighted within WP1.