Eric Baller Broderine Cornell The Kevinator Trottier Coal Strike of 1902 Eric Baller Broderine Cornell The Kevinator Trottier
When was the strike? The Coal Strike of 1902 was obviously started on June 2nd of 1902 October 13th 1902, the coal mines were seized by the United States Military and temporarily operated October 23rd 1902, the coal miners returned to work
Why were they protesting? Fighting to recognize the Union, improve working conditions, Increase wages, and decrease working hours for coal miners Stubbornness of the mine owners angered the miners into going on strike
How did the employers respond The employers refused to deal with the union The restless miners demand more pay Owners refused to negotiate with the union Clergymen should report on conditions in the coal mines John Mitchell prepared a mediator through the National Civic Federation
What happened during the protest In August 1900, the union drew up demands and asked for conferences. Only 8,000 belonged to the United Mine Workers The non English speaking miners instructed to break labor organizations had become supporters of the United Mine Workers
Who were the protesters Protesters were low income miners from the United Mine Workers organization Poor conditions in the mines made them restless to unionization Protesters wanted better conditions in the mines
What was the outcome? By November of 1902, the dispute ended with the help of President Roosevelt. Miners received increased wages, decreased working hours, and far better working conditions. The UMW (United Mine Workers) got recognition for their actions
Why should we care? You should care about this event to learn about the history of striking and how it can effect people in modern day society.
Other Facts Coal was used to heat homes, and run factories at the time During the strike people were worried of a coal shortage through the winter President Roosevelt sent a telegram to both sides to discuss the issue Was at Anthracite coal field in Pennsylvania Strike caused coal famine
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