1/12 ea technology MicroCHeaP: Month 24 meeting Athens Work Package 2 Progress 21 September 2006 Presented by Yvonne Dickson Partners in power asset management
2/12 MicroCHeaP WP2: Elaboration of the Current State of the Art and Market Size WP2 Objectives To acquaint members and the European research community with the latest developments in the field of renewable micro-CHP and related subjects To assess the market condition and trends in order to find openings for future market penetration To analyse renewable micro-CHP and relevant technologies with regards to cost and environmental impact To identify market gaps and the barriers to implementation of renewable micro-CHP
3/12 MicroCHeaP WP2 Progress towards the Objectives The major deliverable for Work Package 2 is the State of the art and Market review (D8) D8 was delivered as a 304-page document with accompanying spreadsheets D8 incorporated deliverable D3: Literature Search
4/12 Participant short name Participant nameCountry AFÅF GroupS BTGBiomass Technology Group B.V.NL ChalexChalex Research Ltd.UK CodesTechnology Codes Ltd.IRL CRESCentre for Renewable Energy SourcesEL DGSDeutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V.D EATLEA Technology Ltd.UK ECNEnergieonderzoek Centrum NederlandNL EneFeLEnervac-Flutec Ltd.EL FEEFördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e.V.D FhG-ISEFraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISED ForceFORCE TechnologyDK GaiaGaia Group OyFIN IUAVIstituto Universitario di Architettura di VeneziaI NTUANational Technical University of AthensEL SPUNSlovenská Polnohospodárska Univerzita v NitreSK Partners who contributed to the deliverables
5/12 Participant short name Participant nameCountry AFÅF GroupS BTGBiomass Technology Group B.V.NL ChalexChalex Research Ltd.UK CodesTechnology Codes Ltd.IRL CRESCentre for Renewable Energy SourcesEL DGSDeutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V.D EATLEA Technology Ltd.UK ECNEnergieonderzoek Centrum NederlandNL EneFeLEnervac-Flutec Ltd.EL FEEFördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e.V.D FhG-ISEFraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISED ForceFORCE TechnologyDK GaiaGaia Group OyFIN IUAVIstituto Universitario di Architettura di VeneziaI NTUANational Technical University of AthensEL SPUNSlovenská Polnohospodárska Univerzita v NitreSK Partners who contributed to the deliverables 16 partners 10 countries
6/12 Contributions to the major deliverable (a) I: STATE OF THE ART 1SOLAR ENERGY - contributed by FHG-ISE PDF file 2STIRLING ENGINE TECHNOLOGIES - contributed by ECN PDF file 3ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE - contributed by FEE PDF file 4FUEL CELLS - contributed by CRES PDF file 5THERMOELECTRICS APPLICATIONS & RELEVANT TECHNOLOGY - contributed by CHALEX PDF file 6GEOTHERMAL POWER - contributed by DGS PDF file 7ADDITIONAL REFERENCES - contributed by IUAV PDF file II: STATE OF THE ART & MARKET REVIEW 1BIOMASS TECHNOLOGIES - contributed by BTG PDF file 2RENEWABLES IN SLOVAKIA - contributed by SPUN PDF file 3MICRO CHP IN ITALY - contributed by IUAV PDF file 4OPPORTUNITIES & BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION IN SWEDEN - contributed by AF PDF file
7/12 Contributions to the major deliverable (b) III: MARKET REVIEW 1ECONOMIC POTENTIAL FOR BIOMASS AS A FUEL FOR µCHP - contributed by FORCE PDF file 2LEGISLATION & ENERGY PRICING IN NORTHERN EUROPE - contributed by CODES PDF file 3LEGISLATION & PRICING WITHIN SOUTHERN EUROPE - contributed by ENEFEL PDF file 4FEASIBILITY STUDIES - contributed by EATL PDF file 5MARKET SURVEY MODEL: MARKET TRENDS - contributed by NTUA & GAIA PDF file and Excel spreadsheet 6BARRIERS AND OBSTACLES - contributed by FEE (& OTHER PARTNER S ) PDF file and Excel spreadsheet
8/12 The major WP2 deliverable aimed to include the objectives: latest developments in renewable micro-CHP –and related subjects market condition and trends –to find openings for future market penetration cost and environmental impact –renewable micro-CHP –relevant technologies market gaps and the barriers –to implementation of renewable micro-CHP
9/12 Contributions to the latest deliverable D12: First Update to Literature & Patent Search I: LITERATURE SEARCH UPDATES 1Investigation related to STIRLING ENGINES - update contributed by ECN PDF file II: PATENT SEARCHES 2PATENT SEARCH - contributed by CHALEX PDF file and CD 3FIRST UPDATE TO PATENT SEARCH - contributed by CHALEX PDF file and CD D12 was delivered to all MicroCHeaP partners on 25 April 2006
10/12 Work Package 2: Deliverables D3Literature and patent search Month 6 DONE D8State of the art and market review Month 12 DONE D12First update to literature and patent search Month 18 DONE D19Final update to literature and patent search Month 30 March 2007 Proposal: Request revisions and updates in January 07 for D19 deliverable due before April 07 meeting
11/12 MicroCHeaP WP2: Connections between work packages 1/2 EXPERT GROUPS WP4: Co-ordination of European research activities Leader: FORCE LITERATURE WP2: Elaboration of the current state of the art and market size Leader: EATL DATABASE WP3: Mapping of current research activities and centres of excellence Leader: ECN Technical Annex page 23 : WP2, WP3 and WP4 will exchange information
12/12 MicroCHeaP WP2: Connections between work packages 2/2 LITERATURE WP2: Elaboration of the current state of the art & market size Leader: EATL LINKS WP5: Investigation of links between renewable energy systems & µCHP Leader: DGS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER WP6: Technology transfer and staff secondments Leader: FEE Technical Annex page 23 : WP2 will feed information to WP5 and WP6