European Common policies Prepared by Dr. Endre Domonkos (PhD) 2013/2014. Academic Year, Spring Semester
I. Developing a Common Transport Policy I. The Treaty of Rome: transport policy would be based on particularly close cooperation with regard to the free movement of goods and persons. Article 3 of the TEC: transport became as common policy. The Competence of Community institutions is much more limited than in the other so-called common policies of trade, competition, agriculture and fisheries. The Community’s role: legislation and policy-making.
I. Developing a Common Transport Policy II. State involvement was traditionally strong in the transport sector of the Member States. Main targets: to eliminate physical and administrative barriers. The Single European Act: harmonisation of regulations in the transport sector, the liberalisation of transport sector + free movement and competition of services for all forms of transport. The liberalisation of modes of transport: completed by 1998.
I. Developing a Common Transport Policy III. DECISION-MAKING IN THE COMMON TRANSPORT POLICY: According to Part Three, Title VI of the TFEU: the Council and the Parliament lays down the rules of the Common Transport Policy. Consultation with the Economic and Social Committee + the Commitee of the Regions. In the field of transport policy: ordinary legislative procedure became the general rule.
II. New objectives of the Common Transport Policy I. The Treaty of Maastricht: introduction the programme of Trans- European networks. Fundamental changes have been implemented in the Common Transport Policy. Gradually shifting from legal harmonisation to the development of infrastructure. White Paper (in 1992): promotion the observation of global aspects, efficiency, safety, social legislation and the protection of the environment in transport policy. Changes in the objectives of transport development.
II.New objectives of the Common Transport Policy II. The main aims: to shift the focus of long-distance transport from road to rail + focus of local transport from private vehicles to public transportation. Transport Action Programme for the period of 1995-2000. Three main areas: Introduction of new provisions (such as the safeguarding of social standards) into the existing legislative framework. Emphasis was laid on the more effective enforcement of competition rules
II.New objectives of the Common Transport Policy III. The Commission’s 2000-2004 ‘sustainable mobility’ action programme: promotion safe, efficient, competitive, social and environmentally-friendly transportation. In the White Paper „European transport policy for 2010”, adopted in 2001, the European Commission proposed about 60 measures for adoption by 2010. Main objectives: establishing a more efficient balance of transport in Europe + reducing the proportion of road transport.
II.New objectives of the Common Transport Policy IV. Shift the balance between transport modes by revitalising the railways, promoting maritime and inland waterway transport, linking up the different modes of transport + keeping a check on the growth of aviation. For road transport: For rail transport: The third railway package: For maritime and inland waterway transport: For aviation:
III. The trans-European networks programme I. By the early nineties, Member States had established highly advanced transport and other infrastructure networks. Problems: no adequate link of infrastructures between the individual Member States was set up with regard to the Single Market + national networks did not form an integrated system. The Maastricht Treaty: it gave to the EU the task of helping to establish and develop trans-European networks (TENs) linking the transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures of the Member States.
III. The trans-European networks programme II. TENs: creation of networks covering the whole continent + further impetus for the European integration process. Guidelines and other measures related to trans-European networks are adopted jointly by the Council and Parliament through the ordinary legislative procedure. The objectives of the programme: European Commission: development strategy outlined in detailed maps and comprehensive network plans. EUR 400 billion for building, development and reconstruction of a rail network of 70,000 kilometres, a 15,000 kilometre-long road system and over 250 airports.
III. The trans-European networks programme III. Essen European Council: adoption of 14 priority projects in the field of TENs (EUR 110 billion). 30 priority projects were named in 2003 (EUR 225 billion). New priorities: impact of enlargement and sustainable mobility. The Treaty of Maastricht: EU’s contribution to the creation of trans-European networks. Cohesion Fund: to support transport infrastructure + environmental investments in the four least developed countries (Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain).
III. The trans-European networks programme IV. Between 2007 and 2013 EUR 160 billion was given to priority projects. In the seven years, EUR 8 billion will go to developing trans- European networks. Cohesion Fund: EUR 35 billion is earmarked to transport projects (for TEN priority projects). Preferential loans from the European Investment Bank. EIB’s objectives support TEN development.
IV. Common Transport Policy under the TFEU Common Transport policy and Trans-European networks: shared competence of the Member States and the Union. The Common Transport Policy is governed by Part Three Title VI of the TFEU (Articles 90-100). Article 98 of the TFEU: European Parliament: participation in laying down the rules pertaining to sea and air transport in the ordinary legislative procedure.
V. Literature - Zoltán Horváth (2011): Handbook on the European Union, Hungarian National Assembly, Third Edition, Chapter 11., The Common Transport Policy, Hvgorac, pp. 374-381. - Zoltán Horváth – Bálint Ódor (2010): The Union after Lisbon. The Treaty Reform of the EU. Chapter 8: The Union’s policies, hvgorac, pp. 259.