ICAO Colloquium 9-11 April 2001 Montreal, Canada


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Presentation transcript:

ICAO Colloquium 9-11 April 2001 Montreal, Canada Mr Eckard Seebohm Directorate General for Energy and Transport

Sustainable aviation European Climate Change Programme European Perspective Sustainable aviation European Climate Change Programme

What is sustainable aviation? Sustainable aviation should contribute to social and economic welfare, without harming human health and the environment.

Where we are now ICAO - CAEP/5 Recognised need for action: - Emissions certification - Operational best practice - Market based measures Incorporation of Rio Declaration Principle 16 - polluter pays commitments

European commitment - Amsterdam Treaty (1997) Article 2 defines sustainable development as a fundamental objective Article 6 requires integration of environment into all policy areas - including aviation - Cardiff Council (1998) - initiative on integration - shifts environmental responsibilities from environmental to other policy bodies - Helsinki Council (1999) - developed the process - long term strategy

European Climate Change Programme ECCP - launched March 2000 to meet Community Kyoto target: 8% below 1990 levels by 2008-12. Twin track approach: - Policies & measures - EU emissions trading from 2005 Working Groups: - Energy supply and consumption - Transport (with aviation subgroup) - Industry - Research - Kyoto mechanisms

European Climate Change Programme Transport 28% of all CO2 emissions, of which aviation is 3.5% of all CO2 Without action, transport emissions to grow to 32% by 2010 ECCP focussed on reducing emissions from road transport, but……..

European Climate Change Programme ….. aviation must also contribute For aviation, ECCP expected to propose: - technological goals - 50% cut in CO2 and 80% reduction in NOx by 2020 - savings of 5% from Single European Sky initiative - market based measures - to internalise environmental costs - modal shift - from aircraft to trains

How to make progress Science and technical Atmospheric and technological research Higher certification standards - climb cruise and LTO Best operating practice Market based measures Open emissions trading for aviation Commission study on charges Voluntary agreements must be more than business as usual

Conclusion Europe: - will play its part in ICAO - build international consensus, and - collaborate to reduce emissions consistent with Community obligations