Dunlap church of Christ Welcome to our worship service. Sunday, September 22, 2013
Genesis 11:5 5) But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
Genesis 10:32 “These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.”
You know the story Genesis 11:1-9 is an event pulled out of Genesis 10:9-10. Nimrod, their leader, leads them in the building of the tower that is then left unfinished.
Genesis 11:5 “But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.”
When God Inspected Their Tower
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude Question: Is building a massive structure sinful?
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude Not the Action, but the Attitude Genesis 11:4 Let us make a name Lest we be scattered abroad
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude Lest we be scattered abroad Irony, anyone? Self-supportive? (Jeremiah 10:23) A defense against another flood?
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude Let us make a name Gideon (Judges 7) David (II Samuel 24) Jesus (Matthew 20:26)
He Saw An Arrogant Attitude Bottom Line: What would the benefit be in this tower?
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception There are many “modern-day” misconceptions that actually aren’t “modern-day” at all!
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception “God doesn’t really mean what He says.” What about the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2)?
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception “God doesn’t care about the little things.” What about Cain and Abel (Genesis 4)?
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception “God doesn’t care how I worship Him.” What about Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10)?
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception “God desires unity and peace at all costs.”
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception God proved at the site of this abandoned construction zone that division is always better than apostasy.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception God proved at the site of this abandoned construction zone that division is always better than apostasy.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception God proved at the site of this abandoned construction zone that division is always better than apostasy.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception God proved at the site of this abandoned construction zone that division is always better than apostasy.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception It is true that God desires unity. John 17 I Corinthians 1:10 ff Psalm 133:1
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception Yet some twist verses to teach that unity is to be had even if God’s direct commands have to be compromised.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception Mechanical Instruments in Worship Morality (Drinking, Dancing, etc) Marriage and Divorce Distinctiveness of the Lord’s church Essential Nature of Baptism Homosexuality
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception Friends and Brethren, such ideas are nothing but the brick and mortar that helped build the tower of self-promotion and stubborn disobedience.
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception Let us remember that the same One who prayed for unity also spoke the words that are recorded by Luke in Luke 12:49-53.
He Saw A Distant Deliverance
He Saw A Distant Deliverance One question we should always ask ourselves when studying the OT is: How does this connect/relate to the story of redemption in Christ?
He Saw A Distant Deliverance Question: How did these actions (Genesis 11:6-9) contribute to and result in the coming of Christ?
He Saw A Distant Deliverance God would give to Abraham what the people wanted – A Great Name God would bless these same nations with a great name. But through Abraham and not their arrogant attitudes.
He Saw A Distant Deliverance Zephaniah 3:9 “For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.”
He Saw A Distant Deliverance Acts 2:6 “Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.”
He Saw A Distant Deliverance The same God that had confused the languages in order to scatter them, had unified their language through the miracle at Pentecost that He might unite them together in Christ.
History History tells us that this piece of land has been fought for many times through the centuries.
History Supposedly, Alexander the Great planned a complete restoration of the city and the tower.
History According to archeologists, brick by brick has been moved until only a pit remains.
History If these reports are true, what started as a monument to human accomplishment and achievement…
History Truth be told, any accomplishment or achievement without God is worthless.
One day God will inspect your tower? What would he decide? Future One day God will inspect your tower? What would he decide?
What about when God inspects our tower? Will he find you faithful? What About You? What about when God inspects our tower? Will he find you faithful?
He Saw A Modern-Day Misconception
He Saw A Distant Deliverance