Cosmic Test Updates Vito Palladino 16/12/2013
Where Are We The measurements I performed up to last summer were not really satisfactory. I felt the need to improve the experimental apparatus reliability and resolution. The Micromegas telescope was experiencing several problems: Poor communication between Front-End and Read-Out Low efficiency in reconstruction No micromegas alignment
The new setup New setup consists of 4-Xview micromegas, this means that we have no easy way to correct the misalignment due to non parallel strips. But in theory we have a better resolution on the Xview. In order to keep the system mechanically coherent I did not put the straw between MM chambers.
154-Setup 65 65 65 ~400 2.5l/h gas flow Drift HV 600V (400V before) Z X 2.5l/h gas flow Drift HV 600V (400V before) Mash HV 500V
Micromegas Micromegas setup has been improved. Now a stable readout and a robust reconstruction algorithm are used. cos2J (?)
Micromegas The reconstruction sw needs to be better studied and modified if needed.
Straw Prototype The prototype is not changed 1 COVER read-out (10Hz ths) Standard conditions (1.75kV, 6l/h gas flow)
First MM-Str Combined Run Slope cut: 0.2
Conclusions and Plans MM acquisition is stable. Combined MM-str acquisition is stable. Data taking will continue with the present setup (adding also the second COVER) MM reconstruction sw will be adapted at our needs. Mechanical MM alignment will be improved as soon as we will have some free resource.