CHSC’s The Dating Game
Sarah Barber & Eunjae Kim The CHP Social Chairs Sarah Barber & Eunjae Kim
Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed with things like set-up, cleanup, and putting up decorations Posters and flyers are also a necessity People who can work as members of a technical crew are appreciated We sometimes need large items to be moved to different locations Please, please, please indicate on your ballot if you would like to help out
There will be free food and drinks, a DJ, and a costume contest: Halloween Dance Saturday October 27th 8:30 PM Arroyo Vista House 1006 There will be free food and drinks, a DJ, and a costume contest: Scariest, Most Creative, Funniest, Best Group, Cutest Couple, and Most CHP
Kites/Bodyboarding/Surfing Day Kickball BBQ Lacrosse Kayaking aren’t the kids cute Intramurals Flag Football Soccer Volleyball Basketball Swimming One Day Tournaments +more Social Events Broomball Muggle Quidditch Bowling Soccer Basketball Paintball Hiking Kites/Bodyboarding/Surfing Day Kickball BBQ Lacrosse Kayaking Nerf Wars Chess
Photos of Events We take pictures and videos at our events There is a photo gallery at to upload your own pictures Yearbook End of year slideshow
Money in the Bank! That means $4000 is available for you to… We’re swimming in money! ~$4,000 That means $4000 is available for you to… Enjoy CHP Semiformal $453.26 Broomball $200.00 Banquet $2553.03 Wayzgoose $263.72
But money doesn’t grow on trees… If we’re spending all this money, how does CHSC bring in the dough? Collect pennies, win a big-screen TV! Help out with Academic Talent Search (ATS) Watch your favorite shows at paid TV tapings And participate in a variety of other activities, including ink cartridge recycling, the upcoming Shocktoberfest booth, and (potentially) event staffing for concerts and other venues. =
…but why do we need so much $ anyway? ‘Cuz it sucks to be broke. We have more events planned for the CHP community The current freshmen class is the largest CHP has ever had And everyone knows freshmen eat a lot So help us raise money so we can throw more events and not go for broke!
R&R (Recruitment & Retention) Kevin Li Diane Ko
Coffee Hour Positions of Great Importance No Money? No Problem! Super Special Job (Only once a quarter)
HED (Honors Experience Day!) Made possible by volunteers like you! Show High school students how amazing CHP is! featuring the Chancellor, faculty panels, and student panels. Lunching!! campus and housing tours!!
Stay-Over Program = Slumber Party? Prospective freshman in need of a home during two weeks of Spring Quarter. = Slumber Party?