Asthma and Viral Wheeze Now Launching Asthma and Viral Wheeze
Welcome from NHS Thames Valley SCN Team NHS Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Network have funded the Asthma decks on Puffell. They are there for all our CCG’s, specialist nurse and partners to use, to support patients not just with their asthma but with their wider health and wellbeing. This presentation will give you a little insight into Puffell and how you and your patients can benefit from it.
A place allowing people to take greater responsibility for their own health and wellbeing
Enables people to access support online and offline
What is Puffell? Steeped in insight and co-created, it is a deals with people’s health as a whole and not in silo. It is a shared resource, based on a build and share model.
Tool to be used with services, but also by communities and individuals
It is a shared resource, based on a build and share model.
It’s about… Understanding and supporting people in a new way. All your needs in ONE PLACE
WHAT DRIVES OUR BEHAVIOURS Driven by a deep understanding of behaviour WHAT DRIVES OUR BEHAVIOURS Values /Ethos Beliefs Attitudes Behaviours Source: Boston Foundation
Aligned to National Outcomes
Online use is changing We know that 85% of people in the UK have some kind of digital access. Sure, it might not always be through a home desktop computer anymore. But through smartphones, tablets, public internet access – we know that the vast majority of people regularly interact online, and trust the online spaces they use every day – like Facebook for example.
Modern styling optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile
New look v2 – Notice About Me process is simpler and more directive
User Interface main Puffell– enables users to add content areas in relation to their health needs Thanks. Here you can see the new personal dashboard – this is the key first page returning users will see when they first login or access Puffell. As you will notice it looks quite different to current Puffell but key activity from tracking activity to setting a weight goal can be achieved from a single view. It also prompts and encourages users to set goals and track as soon as they see they login. From this screen a user can navigate to other places in the application – the left hand menu is always on display so if you’re in a particular deck and want to go to groups you can just click on the menu. All of this means a more intuitive and user friendly journey through the site.
Personalise your background and decks
Decks offer self assessment, behaviour change content and advice
And tools to track and set goals
Including Long Term Conditions
Asthma and Viral Wheeze Using Puffell to support Asthma and Viral Wheeze Sponsored by
Introducing Asthma Decks One for parents to use with children under 14 One for users 14+
Why would a patient use Puffell? Supports people with Asthma to understand and better manage their condition Offers tools and trackers to enable users to track their symptoms and to understand what might be impacting their condition Provides a history that can be shared with their health professional Offer features for peer to peer support Supports wider life - beyond just Asthma Helps to support the diagnosis of asthma as opposed to Viral Wheeze
Why Engage with Puffell? Puffell supports your self care agenda It is designed to improve the ability of patients to self manage and self care When used well Puffell can reduce demand and therefore potentially offer savings It supports patients outside the traditional setting, using tools that are part of every day life PHE are supporting some LAs to develop additional decks on Puffell that your patients will also be able to use It deals with people as the whole person they are - they are so much more than their condition.
How to introduce Puffell and the Asthma Deck? The majority of your patients will be online and active users of the internet – Puffell capitalises on this Puffell is a great tool to introduce as part of reviews and on initial diagnosis, these are the times when they will be focused on their condition Explain to your patient that Asthma can be controlled well with good care and management – Puffell is their to help and support them Encourage them to log on and to start tracking their symptoms and encourage them to share their tracking with you at reviews or when they come back in
How Can Your Practice Get Involved? The User Experience on Puffell How Can Your Practice Get Involved? You can set an Asthma group up in Puffell that your patients can be invited to – just click on the My Groups tab on the left hand menu and click Create a group You can invite all your patients to join your group by simply adding the email address. You can use the group to post updates, tips and hints etc You can encourage your patients to support each other as well by also posting in the group
It starts with the self assessment This is either completed by the parent of a child with Asthma or as the user. It is an Asthma Specific assessment that supports them to generate their asthma Plan
Symptom Tracking, Air Pollution and Humidity Users can track their general health and their condition, tracking symptoms, treatments, iIlnesses etc Using the graphical feedback they can also see the impact of pollution and humidity on their Asthma
Offers information and support to patients outside the clinic
Offers information and support to patients outside the clinic
Promotes better understand and encourages preventative action by the patient
Support for when it’s not going well
Supports Reminders
Why Engage with Puffell? Puffell supports your self care agenda It is designed to improve the ability of patients to self manage and self care When used well Puffell can reduce demand and therefore potentially offer savings It supports patients outside the traditional setting, using tools that are part of every day life PHE are supporting some LAs to develop additional decks on Puffell that your patients will also be able to use It deals with people as the whole person they are - they are so much more than their condition.
How Can Your Practice Get Involved? The Bigger Picture How Can Your Practice Get Involved? You can set an Asthma group up in Puffell that your patients can be invited to – just click on the My Groups tab on the left hand menu and click Create a group You can invite all your patients to join your group by simply adding the email address. You can use the group to post updates, tips and hints etc You can encourage your patients to support each other as well by also posting in the group
There’s so much available or coming soon? Partnership Approach for Puffell Health and Wellbeing Adults Northamptonshire Service delivery Health Checks Hampshire Workplace Wellness Meseyside Fire Long Term Conditions Diabetes Slough Cheshire West COPD Berkshire Asthma Young People Camhs Asthma and Viral Wheeze Additionally funded areas Puffell Carers Pre/Post Natal Care - Slough Existing Content Areas Lifestyles Smoking Alcohol Healthy Weight Activity When you engage with Puffell this is just a few of the things that your patients can take advantage of.