SURA Coastal Committee George Washington University Marvin Center November 5, 2002 1330-1630
Agenda Progress report on SCOOP support Report on August, 2002 Modeling Workshop Discussion of SCOOP Phase I Prospectus SCOOP Governance structure IT and Coastal intersection(s) Approval of SCOOP Phase I Prospectus SURA support staff needs Comment: very well attended (all save 1 member!)
Background - Ocean.US Workshop Data fusion is critical Modeled and observed fields must have equal representation Data parameter definitions from Workshop working group reports must be reviewed in terms of SURA Coastal activities
August Modeling Workshop Good breadth of representation Use GODAE (Global Data Assimilation Experiment) as a guide for CODAE (Coastal Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment) Develop a central SURA Coastal ‘portal’
Prospectus SURA is a strong brand (we should use it) Should split investment ($2M) into Focused sub-regional effort with specified deliverables which would be new and exciting Broad SURA effort targeted on building a culture supporting region-wide collaboration in shared scientific goals
Governance & Staffing recommendations Trustee-based Coastal Steering Committee for advocacy and local input (4-6) External Advisory Committee composed of non-conflicted (extra-regional?) members (4-6) SURA-based Program Manager for Coastal Implementation
Coastal / IT Intersection Organize a workshop between Coastal data managers and SURA IT folks Look to SURA/JLAB for housing of a central server ( which would be the coastal ‘portal’ for the region Establish a subgroup to: Update observed data parameter list Review Ocean.US data recommendations Make IT investment recommendations
To do list Update SURA/SCOOP observation map Plan/implement Coastal/IT Workshop Hire SURA Coastal Program Manager Establish/task DM Working Group Establish Steering Committee Establish External Advisory Panel Modeling group must develop a priority list for models to be included on the portal Develop implementation goals for focused and broad activities