NEW MICROWAVE PLASMA SOURCE IN WATER A.M. Barkhudarov, I.A. Kossyi, M.A. Misakyan Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia
“Resonance” type plasma source Fig.1. Schematic of coaxial microwave plasmatron 1-magnetron; 2-outer electrode; 3-quartz tube; 4- gas-discharge near-the-surface plasma layer; 5-inner electrode – rod; 6-wall of reactor chamber N.K.Berezhetskaya, V.A.Kop’ev, I.A.Kossyi M.A.Misakyan, I.M.Taktakishvili,S.Temchin,and Y.D.Lee Eur.Phys.J.Appl.Phys. 42,327–337(2008
Microwave torch scheme 1 – magnetron 2 – magnetic loop 3 – coaxial outer electrode 4 – nozzle; 5 – plasma torch 6 – inner electrode 7 – working gas 8 – rectangular cavity 9 – copper rods (basket)
Influence of the outer electrode length on the form and type of the microwave torch
MW Plasma sources for several applications
Scheme of the “Self-Clear up” phenomenon for V.Yu. Knyazev, I.A.Kossyi, N.i.Malikh, E.S.Yampolskii ZTP ( Russian) 2003, V.73, N.11
Plasma source diagram 1-Organic glass cylindrical tube, 2-end flanges, 3-magnetron (N=850 W, f=2.45 GHz), 4-inner electrode, 5-outer electrode, 6-quartz tube around the inner electrode, 7-liquid (water),8-gas inlet/outlet, 9-gas babbles, 10-plasma jet, 11- water inlet/outlet.
MW Plasma source working in water
Plasma source emission spectrum
Plasma source emission spectrum
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