Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Ahaziah is injured in a fall Sends messengers to consult prophets of Baal Meet Elijah who predicts Ahaziah’s death Ahaziah sends troops to bring Elijah to him Elijah calls down fire and destroys 2 lots of Ahaziah’s soldiers. The third lot show Elijah proper respect and he spares them and the Lord tells Elijah to go with them to meet Ahaziah Elijah tells Ahaziah he will not recover and Ahaziah dies
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Joram succeeds Ahaziah Elijah and Elisha speak with God’s prophets They cross the Jordan on dry ground after Elijah strikes the water with his cloak Elijah is taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire Elisha now strikes the waters of the Jordan with Elijah’s cloak and crosses back over on dry land Elisha succeeds Elijah and performs miracles
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Joram(I) has to deal with rebellion of the Moabites, has to ask Jehoshaphat(J) and Edom for assistance. Elisha performs miracles The widow’s jar of olive oil Restores Shunammite’s Son to life Destroys poison in a meal Feeds 100 from 20 small loaves
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Elisha cure Naaman the commander of the King of Aram’s army of leprosy God tells elisha to assist the king of Israel in defeating the armies of Aram Hazael murders Ben-Hadad king of Aram and replace him. Elisha foretells Hazael will do great harm to the Israelites. Jehoram becomes king of Judah(8yr)
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Ahaziah son of Jehoram becomes king of Judah(1 yr) Jehu anointed King of Israel . Jehu kills both Joram(I) and Ahaziah(J). Jezebel who had tried to murder all the Lord’s prophets is killed. The descendants of Ahab and the servants of Baal are slaughtered Jehu reigned Israel for 28 years
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Joash reigns Judah 40 years He repairs the Temple and generally follows the way of the Lord. He was assassinated by his officials Jehoahaz becomes king if Israel(17yr), most of this time under control of Hazael king of Aram Jehoash becomes king if Israel(16yr) cast off the yoke of Aram
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Amaziah becomes king of Judah(29yr) Loses in battle to Israel Azariah becomes king of Judah (52yr) Jeroboam(II) becomes king of Israel(41yr) Azariah did right in the sight of the Lord. However he was afflicted by leprosy and dwelt in a seperate house. Jotham his son ran the affairs of state
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Zechariah becomes king of Israel but is assassinated after only 6 months by Shallum Shallum becomes king of Israel but is assassinated one month later by Menahem Menahem becomes king of Israel (10yr) paid tribute to Assyria to keep them out. Pekahiah becomes king of Israel (2yr) is assassinated by Pekah who then reigns as king for 20 years
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Jotham becomes king of Judah(16yr) Jotham walked in the way of the Lord Ahaz becomes king of Judah(16yr). He is attacked by Aram & Israel but overcomes them we the assistance of Assyria. Ahaz did not follow the ways of the Lord Hoshea becomes king of Israel(9yr) The king of Assyria captures Samaria and deports the Israelites to Assyria. This happened because Israel had not followed the LORD but had followed other gods. Only Judah is left. This gives rise to the saying the lost tribes of Israel
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Hezekiah becomes king of Judah(29yr) Hezekiah destroyed any places of worship of foreign gods He walked with the Lord and was successful in all he did. Even when heavily outnumbered and attacked by Assyria , Hezekiah seeks the counsel of the Lord via Isaiah the prophet The angel of the Lord kills the Assyrian army As a result the king of Assyria is murdered by his sons
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Hezekiah becomes ill to the point of death but the Lord tells Isaiah he will heal him and add 15 years to his life Manasseh succeeds him as king of Judah(55yr) He turned away from God to follow idols Amon becomes king of Judah(2yr), is assassinated his son Josiah made king(31yr) Josiah goes back to the ways of the Lord. The Book of the Law is found in the Temple and Josiah understands the implications of the rebellion of Israel against the Lord
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Josiah renews the Covenant with the Lord with all the people after reading all the words of the Book of the Covenant to them. He destroys all the places of idol worship Egypt & assyria combine to attack Judah and Josiah is killed in battle Jehoahaz becomes King of Judah(3 months) imprisoned by Pharaoh Necho. Died in Egypt Jehoiakim becomes King. (11yr) Babylon invades and Jehoiakim becomes a puppet ruler
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Jehoakim rebels against Babylon The Lord sent Babylonian, Aramean,Moabite and Ammonite raiders to destroy Judah Jehoiachin becomes king of Judah(3months) , surrenders to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon Jehoiachin captive to Babylon, also his mother,officials,many military people & craftsmen Nebuchadnezzar makes Jehoiachin’s uncle Mattaniah king under the name Zedekiah
Bible – Old Testament – 2 Kings Zedekiah reigned for 11 years He rebels against Babylon, Jerusalem under seige for 16 months. Zedekiah is captured and taken to Babylon. Jerusalem is destroyed and most of its peoples taken captive to Babylon Most of the officials military, civil and religious are executed Thus begins the exile in Babylon