Abijam and Asa Kings in Contrast.


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Presentation transcript:

Abijam and Asa Kings in Contrast

Background Abijam, a bad king, was the second to rule Judah, c. 913-911 B.C. (1 Kings 15:1-8; 2 Chron. 13:1-22) Asa, a good king, was the third to rule Judah, c. 911-870 B.C. (1 Kings 15:9-24; 2 Chron. 14:1 – 16:14) What can we learn from these two kings? We learn important lessons in contrast

Kings of Judah and Israel Kings of Israel Bad Rehoboam Bad Jeroboam Bad Abijah Bad Nadab Good Asa Bad Baasha Good Jehoshaphat Bad Elah Bad Jehoram Bad Zimri Bad Ahaziah Bad Omri Bad Athaliah Bad Ahab Good Joash Bad Ahaziah Good Amaziah Bad Joram Good Uzziah Bad Jehu Good Jotham Bad Jehoahaz Bad Ahaz Bad Jehoash Good Hezekiah Bad Jeroboam II Bad Manasseh Bad Zechariah Bad Amon Bad Shallum Good Josiah Bad Menahem Bad Jehoahaz Bad Pekahiah Bad Jehoiakim Bad Pekah Bad Jehoiachin Bad Hoshea Bad Zedekiah

Lessons in Contrast Abijam simply carried on the evil practices of his father, but Asa did not – be different (Phil. 2:15)! Abijam did not have a perfect heart with the Lord, but Asa did – give your heart to the Lord (Mt. 22:37)! Abijam did not remove his sinful family ways, but Asa did – put the Lord first over family (Mt. 10:37)! Abijam was a bad father, but Asa was a good son – give every child a chance (Ezek. 18:14,20)!

Lessons in Contrast Asa the young king was faithful to the Lord, but Asa the old king was not – keep the faith all the way to the end (2 Tim. 4:6-8)!