IUID and Serial Number Tracking: Proposed Addendum to ADC 1198A (Capital Equipment) and Draft PDC 1244 (Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Programs Supply Process Review Committee Meeting 17-1 May 17, 2017 Mary Jane Johnson Paul Jensen Enterprise Business Standards Office www.dlmso.dla.mil
Agenda Proposed Addendum to ADC 1198A (Capital Equipment) ADC 1198 – Establishing and Maintaining Accountability for Service Owned Capital Equipment Stored at DLA Distribution Centers, October 16, 2016 PDC 1244 – Establishing Visibility of UIT Program Items for Service-Owned Assets Stored at DLA Distribution Centers under DOD Item Unique Identification (IUID) Supply Policy
ADC 1198 ADC 1198 established the necessary DLM 4000.25, DLMS, Volume 2, procedures to include serialization data in all DLMS balance-affecting transactions for capital equipment candidate assets stored at DLA Distribution Centers To manage serialization data for capital equipment candidates, the serial number is required in the DLMS transaction, and the UII, must be included when available During planning for implementation, the DLA Distribution Standard System (DSS) representatives identified a number of issues relating to the serial number and unique item identifier (UII) which require updates to the ADC 1198 DLMS procedures for capital equipment candidates
Proposed Addendum to ADC 1198A Addresses the following areas: No Serial Number during Receipt. Document DLA Distribution Center procedures for processing the receipt transaction when they receive a capital equipment candidate without a serial number. DLA cannot process the receipt for capital equipment based on the existing procedures in ADC 1198, which require a serial number ALL the time. The proposed change will clarify the procedures used by the distribution center. Materiel in inventory missing Serial Number. Under ADC 1198, DLA and the Services will develop memorandums of agreement to conduct the initial inventory (i.e., recording, creation and application of any required serial numbers and UIIs to bare item or packaging) of capital equipment candidate items stored at DLA Distribution Centers. This change will address the scenario after that initial inventory, where no serial number is found on items in storage that policy requires be serialized. .
Proposed Addendum to ADC 1198A (continued) Reintroduction of IUID Items into the DOD Supply Chain Removes the ADC 1198 requirement for DLA/DSS to update the IUID Registry when an IUID item is reintroduced to DOD. This is the materiel owner responsibility. DLA 867I Issue Transaction with Serial Number/UII ADC 1198 includes wording directing, “The storage activity will include the serial numbers and UIIs when available on the DLMS 945A Materiel Release Confirmation and/or DLMS 867I Issue.” Due to timing of the 867I, this change will remove the requirement to include the serial number/UII on the 867I Issue transaction for capital equipment items. (The issue process decrements available inventory balance, but occurs prior to pick, so the serial number is unavailable). Note: Services may continue optional use the 867I for intra-Service use
Proposed Addendum to ADC 1198A (continued) Clarification of Complete Inventory Requirement. This change will also clarify the language in ADC 1198 regarding the need for a full physical inventory because of a UII/serial number mismatch. The conflict noted an inconsistency with the words “may necessitate a complete inventory” and “will necessitate a complete inventory” in subsequent paragraphs regarding whether a complete inventory is required to resolve serial number/UII issues. CURRENT STATUS: Draft ADC 1198A is being reviewed by ODASD SCI prior to Component staffing .
PDC 1244 – Service Owned UIT Items Stored at DLA Distribution Centers Establishing Visibility of UIT Program Items for Service-Owned Assets Stored at DLA Distribution Centers under DOD Item Unique Identification (IUID) Supply Policy. Initial tasking – develop DLM 4000.25, DLMS, Volume 2, procedures to include serialization data in all DLMS balance affecting transactions and selected additional transactions for the Controlled Cryptographic Items (CCI)and Radiation Testing and Tracking System (RATTS) UIT programs For CCI and RATTS serialization data procedures, the serial number is mandatory in the DLMS transaction, and the unique item identifier (UII) must be included when the item is mark The intent is to capture both serial number and UII, however not all items are IUID marked, and the UII cannot be considered a mandatory element at this time. The phrase "serial number and UII (when available)" is used throughout this PDC to convey this concept PDC 1244 will not cover imbedded items
PDC 1244 – Expansion to all UIT Programs Based on ODASD (SCI) direction, the scope of PDC 1244 is expanded to cover all UIT programs Applies to DLA Distribution Centers, and the Services may pattern their procedures after these procedures to the maximum extent practicable. This is consistent with DoDM 4140.01, Volume 5, which states: The detailed procedures for wholesale level receipt processing are in DLM 4000.25 (DLMS), and DoD Components will pattern procedures for below-the-wholesale-level receipt processing after the wholesale level procedures to the maximum extent practicable
PDC 1244 – Expansion to all UIT Programs (cont.) Expansion of PDC 1244 to all UIT programs will impact the procedures for the existing active Navy Depot Level Reparable (NDLR) UIT program and the Positive Inventory Control (PIC) Nuclear Weapon Related Materiel (NWRM) UIT program. The change can authorize staggered implementation for these two active UIT programs. Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) – Additional changes beyond PDC 1244 will be required due to the unique transaction requirements and procedures SA/LW UIT program will be included in PDC 1244 in concept and noted that this is the future way forward SA/LW implementation will be delayed pending a follow-on PDC to align the transition from use of SA/LW unique DLMS 140A transaction to the use of standard logistics transactions
PDC 1244 (continued) The draft PDC 1244 procedures will generally mirror those developed in ADC 1198, as revised by the draft Addendum to ADC 1198A. Draft PDC 1244 will require processing the following transactions with serialized data (serial number, and UII (when available)) for UIT program items: 527R Receipt 842A/W SDR Submission 842S/Q Storage Quality Control Report 846R Location Reconciliation 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns 856S Shipment Status 945A Materiel Release Confirmation 947I Inventory Adjustment
PDC 1244 UIT program items are subject to IUID policy The intent of the PDC/ADC is that this applies to NIIN materiel for appropriate FLIS coding for identification. This PDC/ADC applies to FLIS Items with IUID flag = Y with the applicable FLIS UIT Designator Code ODASD (SCI) tasked DLA to identify the cost, and the method to pass the cost on, to relevant Services managing at the serial number and UII level
PDC 1244 – Issue Standard rules for length and characteristics of the serial number used for tracking should be finalized for inclusion in PDC 1244
PDC 1244 Status The DLMS Program Office met with Army and DLA representatives on April 12, and May 2, 2107 to review and address Army, DLA and ODASD (SCI) comments to the draft PDC (which originally only addressed CCI and RATTS UIT Programs) ODASD SCI briefed draft PDC 1244 concept to address all UIT programs at the April 26, 2017 DOD IUID Working Group Meeting CURRENT STATUS: DLMS office is incorporating the comments, as well as the ADC 1198A updates, into a revised version of draft PDC 1244
PDC 1244 UIT Programs FLIS UIT Designator Explanation AAA DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons Serialization Program (DoDSALWSP) AAB Security Risk Category I Non-Nuclear missiles and Rockets AAC Radiation Testing and Tracking System (RATTS) Program AAD Navy Depot Level Reparables (NDLR) Program AAF Aviation Component Tracking Program AAG Tritium Unique Item Tracking Program AAH Controlled Cryptographic Items (CCI) AAJ Positive Inventory Control (PIC) Nuclear Weapon Related Materiel (NWRM)
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