SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality traffic to web site from search engines via “natural” search results for targetted keywords.
It provides unique content with proper keyword density,optimized title tags,discriptions and keywords,quality site structure and site map allowing easy access of search engine bots.
TIPS of on page optimization:- 1.Use relevant keywords for the domain name. 2.Pay attention to the anchor text of links. 3.Perfect debut paragraph. 4.The sub-titles with keywords. 5.Good permalinks structure. 6.Manual discription meta tags. 7.Write unique articles and information.
TIPS OF ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION IN BRIEF 1.USE RELEVANT KEYWORDS FOR THE DOMAIN NAME: It all starts with the domain so the same applies to your domain name as well. It would be nice of your blog is also in relation to your specific keyword phrase.
2.PAY ATTENTION TO THE ANCHOR TEXT OF LINKS: There are two main points and factors to be remembered and what is the best thing to optimize your posts and pages with relevant links for key phrases that are well distributed over the internet,which is always good to link your blog to their former posts,this is called internet linking will also help increase the number of pages viewed.
3.PERFECT DEBUT PARAGRAPH: Learning to write also a very good start capturing your visitors and spiders.Be sure your targetted keywords in the first 4 lines of the paragraph,but natural-looking nice,once or twice done well.In addition to maintaining the first paragraph highly optimized for SEO.
4.THE SUB-TITLES WITH KEYWORDS: Easy to read and understand,and this will make your article look very presentable.It is always a good idea to use tagetted keywords in your headlines.This will also make readers think that your article is informative and read on.
5.GOOD PERMALINK STRUCTURE: The permalinks structure is very important because it represents an important aspect.If your class also focuses on the keywords you ad to the structure,if not,then you must include the name of the office,there is more to do than you will released in the next part.
6.MANUAL DESCRIPTION TAGS: Description meta tag is usually found in the head section of the HTML page,which is essential to search for keywords and a good blog is optimized,as the case of persistent links.It is always to add these meta tags,but Google says this is not taken account in those days.
7.WRITE UNIQUE ARTICLES AND INFORMATION: Be carefull,too vague articles that many only spoil its reputation as a blogger.This also avoids duplication and copying of content,remember we rae here for readers,not for spidres.