helinh@pvpusd.net (310) 378-8471 x609 Dr. Hank Helin helinh@pvpusd.net (310) 378-8471 x609 (THESE SLIDES ARE ON the CLASS WEBSITE) ALL THE CA/CC “CONTENT STANDARDS” Segments/Distance Angles Proofs Similarity/Scaling Congruent Triangles Trigonometry Lines in 2-D and 3-D Circles Polygons Area, Volume Inequalities Constructions
Goals: Put students in a position to succeed Prepare for future math classes, SAT, ACT Prepare students to be successful learners – problem solving Critical thinking Work hard, but enjoy class at the same time
Daily Routine: Review homework, present new lesson(s)/work examples, class work… Lecture notes on CLASS WEBSITE Lots of one-on-one help during class time
Grading: 1st and 2nd Semester - 6 chapter exams at 100 points each 6 chapter homework*/quiz grades at ~ 15 points each semester final at 200 points A – B – C grade cuts at 90% - 80% - 70%
How To Get To Class Notes Page From AERIES click “VISIT WEBSITE” From CLASSES click “GEOMETRY” Notes posted chapter-by-chapter Chapter reviews/practice tests are posted 3-5 days prior to the tests. Grades Are posted on AERIES and are updated after each test.
Requests: Please… Do Not Miss Class Email or call if you have concerns helinh@pvpusd.net (310) 378-8471 x609