WCPSS Alternative Learning Centers


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Presentation transcript:

WCPSS Alternative Learning Centers Student Achievement Committee February 20, 2017 Alternate and Extended Learning Services

Desired Outcomes Participants will: Receive an overview of ALC program Receive updates on ALC progress -ALC/ISS Delineations -ALC/ISS Assignments -ALC Rubric Ratings Understand ALC structures and the plan moving forward for SY17-18

Program Overview Created by WCPSS in 2011 to provide a learning environment for middle and high school students at risk of not achieving academic and/or behavioral success Alternative to ISS for behavior issues Designed to provide academic recovery Reduce out of school short-term suspensions WCPSS adapted to a center at each school rather than a program on a separate campus

Program Overview cont. – failing grades, ALCs are not a formally recognized Alternative Learning Program. Students are placed in ALC based on: – failing grades, – danger of not being promoted or graduated, – multiple in-school suspensions, – multiple level 1 and level 2 behavioral offenses

Timeline 2011-2013 2013-2014 Program start up Monthly PLT meetings/trainings Walkthroughs conducted by CaSS 2013-2014 Position created at central service level to support the program Program supervision was moved to Intervention Services

Timeline continued….. 2014-2015 2015-2016 Walkthrough rubric was designed and implemented based on the Logic Model to establish baseline SMART Goals created by ALC PLT based on walkthrough data results 2015-2016 Established an Implementation Plan based on SMART Goals Collaboration with Data, Research and Accountability for program evaluation

Timeline continued….. 2016-2017 Alternative Learning Centers programming moved from Intervention Services to Alternative and Extended Learning Programs Using Assessment data to improve school level practices Created an OASIS module for ALC documentation

ALC and ISS Definitions ISS is a short term assignment for discipline. ISS allows the student to remain in school with access to instructional support. ALC is a program designed to increase access to specific interventions to address academic gaps and behavioral challenges.

(funded with ALC teacher MOE) 2016-2017 ALC/ISS Delineation Level High Schools Middle Schools ALC Alone 13 2 ALC/ISS Combo 12 28 ISS Alone (funded with ALC teacher MOE) 1 6 Total 26 36

ALC Programming Rubric Ratings Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished 2014-2015 14% 33% 32% 21% 2015-2016 17% 22% 18% 43% 2014-2015: 86% Proficient and Above 2015-2016: 83% Proficient and Above

Highlight the blue ratings and discuss the difference

ALC Assignments: 3 year trend data 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Race Total ALC Instances Black or African American 1,035 1,383 1,271 White 403 544 474 Hispanic 398 490 491 Asian 10 38 19 Multi-Racial 89 106 97 American Indian 17 14 13 Native Hawaiian 2 4 TOTAL 1954 2577 2369

Total ALC and ISS Assignments 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Race Total ISS/ALC Instances Black or African American 10,207 12,167 10,812 White 3,675 3,926 3,174 Hispanic 3,293 3,815 3,944 Asian 138 197 151 Multi-Racial 761 819 723 American Indian 119 94 54 Native Hawaiian 17 9 TOTAL 18,210 21,035 18,867

Academic Placements in ALC Students can be assigned an academic placement if the student has: failing grades, danger of not being promoted or graduating with parent agreement Typical ALC Academic placement can be: -5 Days for MS; 10 Days for HS

Academic Placements in ALC Academic Placements: 1,398* (at least 116 placements longer than 10 days ) 62 ALC Programs in the Wake County 74% of the programs have reported ALC Placements   *These counts are likely very low estimates of how many placements actually occurred, given low documentation fidelity. 46 out of 62 programs have reported data for SY15.16 16 Programs have not submitted data: 26%

Structures that Support Social Emotional Learning Collaboration with Administration, Counselors, students, teachers and parents during and after placement. Student entrance and exit interviews completed by ALC teacher. Restorative Justice Circles are used to help students build a greater sense of community, strengthening relationships, and/or addressing multi-person conflict . Teaching of self advocacy, study and life skills. Student reflections and student contracts. Student accountability after ALC placement.

Glows and Grows Glows Increased understanding across buildings regarding the Mission/Vision of ALC. Increased student access to the program through team initiated placements.

Glows and Grows cont. Grows Instructional support while students are in placement. Increased monitoring and documentation of Special Education Services received during ALC placement. More consistency regarding receipt of academic work.

Next steps… Establish bi-annual monitoring visits for each Alternate Learning Center Provide targeted support to ALC teachers based on walk through feedback Continue to provide monthly learning opportunities thru the PLT Use an OASIS tool for data collection for SY17-18 Limit ALC assignments to be no more than HS 10 days and MS 5 days

Alternative and Extended Learning Programs Mrs. Ericka Lucas, Director, elucas2@wcpss.net Heidi Hill, Coordinating teacher, hhill2@wcpss.net