Pancake Breakfast 2017 Sales Goals & Requirements Troop Sales Goal: $18,000 Scout Sales Goal: $400 Why have a sales goal? The Pancake Breakfast is our only required fundraiser and it helps us purchase needed camping equipment, attend the various campouts, maintain our trailer and purchase badges and patches. The success of each scout is significant in our efforts to help our troop run smoothly.
Scout Minimum Requirements Tier 1: Total sales of $399 or less Scout must participate/work four sales sessions of which one must be a Saturday or Sunday troop sales session. Scout must work the day of the Pancake Breakfast, December 2, 2017, 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tier 2: Total sales of $400 or more Scout must participate/work one Saturday or Sunday troop sales session.
Sales Session Types FF = Friends & Family. Each $50 increment in ticket sales to friends, family, teachers, neighbors, etc. counts as one sales session. SS = A three hour selling session offered by Troop 75 on Saturdays and select Sundays beginning on September 16 and continuing for 10 weeks, ending on November 18. Each three hour selling session counts as one sales session regardless of the amount of tickets sold. Typically, a Scout may earn $35 - $160 during each three hour sales session. AD = Business Ad on placemat. Every $50 counts as one sales session. A small ad is $25; large ads are $50. Combo: You can combine a $25 Ad and $25 FF to count as one sales session.
What’s in it for the Scout? 20% of the first $200 in sales and 40% of all sales above $201 go into your scout account. Use funds to pay for camping trips, high adventure trips and re-charter fees. Scouts that meet the minimum requirements pay a lower re-charter fee. Highest overall seller each Saturday may arrive at 7 a.m. (1 hour later) the day of the breakfast and enjoy breakfast with the top sellers. Highest a.m. & p.m. seller each Saturday receives a small prize such as candy at the following Troop meeting.
Pancake Breakfast Sales Examples Total Sales Session Type Amount Scout Account $217 2 FF 2 SS $112 $105 $46.80 ($40 +$6.80) $295 1 SS 1 AD $102 $143 $50 $78 ($40 + $38) $342 3 FF $162 $130 $96.80 ($40+$56.80) $457 (4th top seller 2016) 5 FF $182 $275 $142.80 ($40+$102.80) $592.52 (2nd top seller 2016) 3 SS $150 $392.52 $197 ($40 + $157)
Pancake Breakfast Sales Tools Worksheet – An excel worksheet will be provided to each Scout to track your SS, FF, and AD sales. Sales coaching – The “sales doctor” will be in every Tuesday beginning September 19 to November 14. Visit the “sales doctor” for some sales coaching and role playing and watch your sales soar! Troop 75 Sales Thermometer – SEE our weekly sales results at each Troop 75 meeting!
Parent Responsibilities There are two obligations that must be fulfilled by one adult member of each family. #1: Each family is expected to drive for one, three hour selling session. Selling sessions take place every Saturday and select Sundays starting September 16 and end on November 18. #2: One adult member from each family is expected to work the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 2, 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast Important Dates Saturday, September 16: Selling Sessions begin Tuesday, November 14: Friends & Family money due Bring all money and unused tickets to troop meeting Saturday, November 18: Last Selling Session Saturday, November 18: Placemat Ads due email to Saturday, December 2: Pancake Breakfast 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd Church