Welcome to AP Statistics Ms. Mosier
A Little About Me Name: Kelly Mosier Education Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from FIU Major: Mathematics Education Minor: Psychology Master of Arts in Mathematics from UM Born in Miami, FL Hobbies: Watching TV, Board Games, Sudoku, and Baking Why I Love Teaching
General Procedures Be seated when the bell rings with your homework turned in and your cell phone in the pocket You should have the chapter notes printed in advance for the class where we start a new chapter. BE PREPARED! Please hold all bathroom uses until AFTER the lecture. If it’s an emergency, please quietly raise your hand to be excused
Classroom Discussions Please participate Ask questions if you don’t understand Stop me if I am going too fast I want to hear what you have to say Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion If your question is off topic, write it down and ask later
Class Dismissal DO NOT stand by the door or out of your seat. If anyone is standing when the bell rings, everyone will have to wait until that person sits and I dismiss you. The teacher dismisses you, NOT THE BELL!
Phone Usage Any phone will be confiscated if seen (whether in use or not)!!! You are NOT allowed to use your phone during class even if you only use the calculator function. This is why a calculator is one of your required materials. The only times you can use your phone is if we are completing an activity which requires internet access.
Tardy If you are not present the moment the bell rings (i.e., in your seat after turning in your phone), you are considered tardy When you are tardy, Enter quietly Excused: Place excuse on my desk Unexcused: Sign Tardy Folder (new each 9 weeks) 1st time: Warning 2 times: Detention 3 times: Conference
Expectations Respect all ideas Respect all property Come to class prepared to learn Don’t disturb other students’ learning
Consequences Warning Detention Parent phone call Parent-teacher conference Referral
Severe Clause Immediate removal from class if any of the following occurs: Fighting Vandalism Overt Defiance Stopping the Class from Functioning (this includes disruptions of any kind)
Course Description The purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns (20-30%) Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study (10-15%) Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation (20-30%) Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses (30-40%) Students who successfully complete the course and exam may receive credit, advanced placement or both for a one-semester introductory college statistics course.
Materials Recommended: Graphing Calculator (TI-84 is the best but TI-83 is acceptable) You will be using this calculator on the AP exam and for every test so you must bring it with you to EACH AND EVERY class Pencils with erasers (either mechanical or wooden) Three-ring binder Loose Leaf Papers Graph paper
The AP Exam- May 17th (at noon) Two sections (50% weight each): Multiple Choice 40 Questions (90 Minutes) (2.25 Min/Question) Points are NOT deducted for incorrect answers No points are awarded for unanswered questions So eliminate wrong answers and ANSWER EVERY QUESTION Free Response 90 Minutes 5 Short-Answer (~12 min/question) 1 Investigative Task (worth twice as much as any Short-Answer) (~30 min) Rubric: scored between a 0 and a 4 (where 4 is complete)
Textbook and Resources The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) Preparing for the AP® Statistics Examination College Board site: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home Site for AP Statistics: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap- statistics
Technology All students are required to bring a TI 83/84 graphing calculator for use in class daily, as well as at home, and on the AP Exam. Students who cannot afford a graphing calculator may request to check one out for the year from the teacher. Technology is incorporated throughout the text, including the use of graphing calculators. Each chapter in the text has “Technology Corners” that give the students instruction and practice with the statistical capabilities of the calculator.
School Website (under Departments, Mathematics and Kelly Mosier) This page will contain all the materials and assignments for the course. It also contains a page on study links that will be useful and interesting for you. Be sure to visit my website regularly. In addition, if you have any questions, you can email me straight from the website.
Schedule of Course See syllabus chart
Grading As with a college class, students are largely responsible for their own learning. This means that students will be expected to do many things for which they do not receive a grade: reading and classwork. These items are assigned to improve student understanding, not for purposes of assigning a grade. Failure to complete all assigned activities will ultimately impact grade through lack of student understanding of the critical concepts. One of the greatest challenges of this course is that language is more important than arithmetic. However, this is not a creative writing course. Nor is sloppy or careless mathematics acceptable. Rather, students must learn to both show how they completed a problem mathematically and explain why they chose that process in writing using correct statistical language. A student must be able to do both things to be successful in this course and on the AP Statistics exam.
Grading Policy Tests ---------------------------------------- 50% Quizzes ------------------------------------ 20% Homework (graded by completion)--- 30% ___________ Total 100% Note: In the 2nd quarter, the grading scale will be adjusted for a Project. In this quarter, the tests will be worth 50%, quizzes 20%, homework 20%, and the project 10%. If you are absent for a quiz, your test score for that chapter (without the revision points) will be used in place of the quiz. If you are having difficulty with the homework assignments, you are expected to come in for tutoring or reread the textbook.
Note-Taking You should copy everything I write on the board All examples should be completed. This includes On Your Own exercises.
Homework Worth 30% of your grade There will be a homework assigned each class and it will be checked. ALWAYS BE PREPARED! Write your name, period and assignment title on the top right corner No work shown and/or no explanation of thought processes will be given no points If I catch anyone copying their homework, both the copier and the lender will receive F’s on their assignment for cheating There will be a homework bin by my desk. I will call a warning if homework is collected. This is typically done within the first 5 minutes of class. If your homework is not in the bin by that time, it will be considered late and scored accordingly.
Tests/Quizzes Worth 70% of your grade All students who receive A’s on their tests will receive a star to display on the back of the classroom There will be one test given each chapter and several quizzes in between. These quizzes can be unannounced so make sure to study what we learned before each class. The class before most tests, there will be a review which comprises of questions you might see on the exam. You will not be required to take notes. I instead want you to absorb the information and ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand. If you are late or absent, I will not go over the review again. This review will be VITAL in preparation for your AP exam. In preparation for each exam, you will make a one-page (8.5 x 11) (double-sided) “cheat sheet” with any and all formulas, notes, examples, etc. that you feel are important to know. This “cheat sheet” may or may not be allowed on the day of the test. BE PREPARED!
Late Assignment Policy If you miss a class, you are permitted to makeup all assignments so long as they are turned in by the next class. No late assignments will be accepted past the class you return. This means that you must get the notes from another student and study the material on your own (or come to tutoring). NO EXCUSES! The same rule applies for exams. If you missed an exam, you are responsible for scheduling a time with me to makeup the exam. You will have up to one week after the exam date to make it up. Failure to makeup the exam in that time will result in a 0. After the makeup week, I will be passing back the exams and you may choose to revise your exam (on a separate sheet of paper) explaining why you chose your answer and what is the correct answer, and why, to earn back half of the points you lost. You will only have ‘til the next class to turn them in. These corrections are optional but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED!
After Each Quarter A star will be given to each student who received an A This star will be labeled and hung from the ceiling
In Order to Pass Ex of Failing: B C D F Ex of Passing: C C D C 10 points must be earned throughout the 4 quarters 5 points MUST be earned in the last 2 quarters Points: A- 10 pts B- 7.5 pts C- 5 pts D- 2.5 pts F- 0 pts Ex of Failing: B C D F Ex of Passing: C C D C
Tutoring Schedule Monday & Wednesdays from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Starts next week
Work Folders Write on the tab: Last Name, First Name Period ____
Tonight’s Homework Sign Student Contract Have your parents sign the Letter to Parents Bring calculator by the end of the week Print Ch. 4 Student Notes Watch the video on YouTube: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Scientific Studies (HBO)
https://edpuzzle.com/join/vesuhuo EdPuzzle To join: https://edpuzzle.com/join/vesuhuo
Find Your Match Activity Each of you will receive one index card with a word or name written on it. I will then have the entire class stand up, hold your index cards up in the air, and walk around looking for your match. An example of a match would be: Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg. YOU CANNOT SPEAK UNTIL YOU FOUND YOUR MATCH Once you find your match, you will sit and interview each other with the questions: What is your favorite movie? What’s your pet peeve? What are two of your hobbies? I will give you 10 minutes to interview each other and then you will introduce your partner to the entire class with the answers they gave.