Sports Funding 2015 - 2017 At Khalsa Primary School we have used our annual Sports Funding of £10,100 (based on £8000 plus £5/per pupil) to join the Slough School Sports Network (which gives us access to competitions throughout the year). We have invested in quality equipment for the playground including two outdoor table tennis tables and a pair of metal 5 a side football goals Work has been done in 3 key areas of development: Coaching children to increase their skill base in both PE skills and extended life skills in the five areas of personal, social, creative, cognitive and physical aspects Providing additional sporting opportunities for the children in the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities Coaching staff to increase their skill base
Coaching staff Our PE Coach is working alongside our teaching staff, modelling and team teaching and together they have successfully improved and continue to improve the PE teaching and learning experience for both themselves and the children. Impact in 2014/15/16: Staff continue to show increased skill and confidence in teaching PE following on from work done in 2013/14 Impact in 2016/17: We will be assessing this in 2017.
Coaching the children New skills based programme introduced The children participate in two PE lessons a week. A new PE programme was started which included both PE focus and life skills including personal, social, creative, cognitive and physical aspects, which the children can take into other lessons, for instance: “I can encourage others when mistakes are made” and “I can refine my work based on feedback”. Impact in 2015/16: PE is one of the favourite subjects for the children Children can self-reflect against a set of criteria for their performance Children can articulate their gains and areas on which to work in terms of life/teamwork skills. Children understand that the lessons learnt in PE can be used in all other subjects.
Extended impact of the life-skills focus for the children in other areas of the school 1) Children’s self-awareness of team building, sportsmanship and life skills have increased to the degree the Y6 now run their own ‘Junior Leaders’ sports leadership programme 2) Each lunchtime, the team, who were elected by their peers and teachers in a correct election process, set out games for the other children, guide and mentor them in playing 3) The example of the Junior Leaders, led to Y5 also setting up a Playground Roadies system, where they elected a team of children to hand out and put away playground equipment
Providing additional sporting opportunities for the children 1) New Intra/Inter – school competitions set up We have played against other local schools in Football matches and Cricket matches. We have also attended sports tournaments involving dozens of schools. Below is a table showing intra and inter school competitions from September 2014 – July 2015. We have held at least one whole school PE event every half term. IMPACT – all children exposed to variety of sports and competitions, in and out of school.
Table showing additional sporting events/opportunities in curriculum 2014/2015 Autumn 1.1 Autumn 1.2 Junior Leader Programme started and led to whole school having organised sports and games during lunch times. Y4 Sports event organised and taken by group of Y5 children Date: October Whole School HAKA performances Whole school Maths/PE Challenge – Orienteering (Years 4 – 6) and Bean Bag Raid (Years 1 – 3) Date: Tuesday 17th – Friday 20th November Sports Hall Athletics Tournament Date: 25/11/15 Infant Legacy Event Date: 10/11/15 Spring 2.1 Spring 2.2 Hockey Tournament Date: 29/01/16 4B Child Leadership session with Y1 Date: 09/02/2016 YV Child Leadership session with Nursery Date: 04/03/2016 Y5 Child Leadership session with Reception Date: 07/03/2016 SPORT RELIEF whole school event Date: 21/03/2016 Summer 3.1 Summer 3.2 Y6 Athletics tournament Date: 24/11/16 Y5 Orienteering Y3/4 Tri Golf Date: 04/05/16 Boys Cricket Date: 09/06/16 Girls Cricket 55 children Bike ride to Langley Park Date: 30/06/2016 Early Years Sports Day Y1,2,3 school Sports Day Y4,5,6 school Sports Day Throughout whole school year Sports leadership mornings Junior Leaders
After school clubs List of Sports Clubs Athletics Badminton Basketball We have greatly increased our after school clubs provision and now hold on average two sports clubs a day after school. Since September 2014 we have held the following after school sports clubs. All the clubs were for either years 1 and 2, 3 and 4 or 5 and 6. List of Sports Clubs Athletics Badminton Basketball Cricket Football Gymnastics Hockey Multi – Skills Netball Punjabi Sports Rounders Impact in 2014/15 In 2014/15 There were an average of 140 children per term involved in sports based after school clubs. This was a significant increase on 2012/13 where 40 children took up sports clubs. In 2016/17 We are planning to have all 360 children in the school take part in a minimum of two sports clubs a week