Serial powering protection for Inner Detector modules One module Strip detectors on a stave A possible ATLAS short-strip lay-out 1 2 3 4 23 24 Stave ASIC Open-circuit fault here Strip detector Hybrid Power (constant current) Stave GND Why? • Failure of one module must not affect the performance of any other module. • Provides the option to switch off selected module(s). How? • Several options exist to short out one module – other modules unaffected. • All operate on the same basic principle of using an electronic shorting switch. Target specifications • Less than 100mV across each module when it is “off”. • Switching one module on/off will not affect its neighbours. • During normal operation (all modules working) protection draws no power. • Extra module components use about 10mm2 hybrid area. • Each module can automatically, independently and very quickly shut down in a fault condition. • The Detector Control System (DCS) will control power to each module. Bonn University, Germany Features • Tailored to pixel detectors. • Separate line from each module to end of stave allows each module voltage to be measured. • Uses an SCR to latch into shorting state on over-voltage. Block diagram Schematic Tests Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA Features • Tailored to strip detectors. • Separate component used for over-voltage and DCS. • One line DCS control. Block diagram Schematic Tests STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK Features • Tailored to strip detectors. • One line controller output enables a low-voltage oscillator. A voltage multiplier is used to generate the voltage required to completely switch off the module. Block diagram Schematic Tests Over-voltage protection Over-voltage protection DCS control Iin Voltage multiplier Iin Iin Stave Vp DCS from one wire controller & oscillator 47nF 22nF 22nF 10M 2SB947A BAT54 BZX384-B3V9 To shunt regulator and module To shunt regulator and module BSH103PLP To shunt regulator and module DCS control 100k 2SD1271A SI 1450DH 47nF 22nF 22nF One wire to each module 10k DCS from one wire controller 4V 1k 100k 100k 1nF 1M 10nF Stave GND Iout Iout Iout Simulation Can make small circuits for stave prototypes with commercial devices. Just beginning to investigate how much of circuit can be incorporated in a single chip. Need to understand which processes are available and what are characteristics of available components in those processes (e.g. FET breakdown and turn on thresholds). Switching a strip module off and the effect on its neighbour Markus Cristinziani Andreas Eyring Fabian Huegging Laura Gonella David Lynn James Kierstead Marc Weber Giulio Villani John Matheson Richard Holt • Attractive stand-by/protection solutions have been identified • Overhead (area, number of components & control lines) is small • A 130nm ASIC prototype is in development Richard Holt, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ACES 2009 March 2009