Español 3 Thank you for taking my class today. My schedule is as follows: 1st period Spanish 3 2nd period Spanish 2/3, 3rd period Spanish 2 Lunch and 4th Period Prep. Intervention is down in the cafeteria for archery. You don’t need to go down there, I will let the other teacher in charge know that I am not here today. If you have any question please feel free to contact me. Tell the kids, I will be coming back after school today so that I can make sure they can do their retakes. If you want to let kids do retakes today, I can leave those out for you as well. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 801 589 2268. Bathroom breaks are ok as long as there is no teaching going on and no group speaking activities going on. Water bottles are fine. 2 de mayo de 2017
Leemos Lee por 10 minutos Abre tu cuaderno a sección 2. El Objetivo: Puedo leer y entender un libro de mi escogido Leemos Lee por 10 minutos Abre tu cuaderno a sección 2. Escribe por 5 minutos sin parar (without stopping) de tu libro necesita describir que pasó en tu libro. The students need to have a Spanish reading book. They can get them off my shelf. They need to read for 10 minutes. I will leave a timer up on the computer for you. When they are finished they need to open their notebooks to Section 2 and write for 5 minutes about what they read. They must write until the timer sounds. Afterward, you can have the kids get in groups of 3 and discuss what they wrote for 5 minutes. Tell them this is a conversation, so be sure to ask questions about the book. When this is done go to the next slide.
Preguntas, preguntas, preguntas Pregunta un compañero de clase una pregunta del calendario o una pregunta personal y una pregunta de un metodo de transporte. Give the students 2 minutes to write questions to ask their table. Each student needs to have 1 calendar question, 1 personal question and 1 question about a method of transportation. Give them 5-7 mnutes to ask and answer these questions at their table. Remind the students they need to answer the questions and if necessary the “why”.
Viajamos a _________? –Una actividad Remember you client/travel agent speaking activity is due on May 4. Remind the students that this assignment is due on May 4th. If some of the students want to use the computers at the back they can do that during a work time.
La lectura extendida:¿Dónde hay los relojes En el presente: With your compañero de clase across the mesa, read this story out loud in the “ping pong” style. (one student reads a Spanish sentence, the other student translates the sentence and then reads the next sentence in Spanish, etc.) La profesora will give each mesa a timer. Set the timer for 90 seconds. When the timer sounds, everyone stand up and rotate around the table to the right. Reset the timer and go again with your new partner starting at the point where you ended (about). On the front table there is a packet with ¿Dónde hay los relojes? Have the kids follow the directions carefully from this slide. You will need to time 90 seconds and have them change readers after each 90 seconds. Once they are finished with the reading then they will need to do the activities on the next pages. Remind them that they need to complete all short answer in complete sentences. We will grade this next class period. This could take much of the remainder of the class period. If you have time go to the last slide.
Brain storm Think about where you want to travel. Brainstorm a list of things that could happen while you are traveling. Make list of good things and bad things. Then choose your top 3 to talk about, so that we can find articles about how to solve the problems or what you can do when it is going really well. You have 5 minutes to complete this activity. Work as a table to do this. You only need 1 paper for your table. When you are done, please turn it into the box to help guide my teaching. Follow the directions on the Power Point. Thanks for your help. If there are any problems with students, write down their names. I will leave the seating chart for you.