Evolving Economic Development: Rural vs. Urban Patterns Learning Goal 4: Interpret data to determine standard of living and levels of development in South Asia and Compare the ways people in this region make a living and are economically affected by technology. (5B,10CD,17C, 19C)
Economic Development in South Asia Unit Vocabulary (LG4) Review: Buddhism Monsoons Hinduism New: Tsunami *Outsourcing Islam Silt *Cottage Industry Sikhism Partition *Green Revolution Terrorism Escarpment
EQ 1: Most South Asian countries are less developed, with some having what level of standard of living? Standard of Living: Closely related to the quality of life. The level of wealth in certain geographic areas. The Human Development Index (HDI) was developed by the U.N. to rank countries based on their level of economic development. Indicators of Economic Development: 2011 HDI Rank Country HDI 172 Afghanistan 0.398 146 Bangladesh 0.500 141 Bhutan 0.522 134 India 0.547 145 Pakistan 0.504 157 Nepal 0.458 97 Sri Lanka 0.691 1. Demographic Data: Size of the population Birthrate Infant Mortality Rate 2. Economic Data: G.D.P. (Total of goods and services made in a nation in one year) G.D.P. per capita= G.D.P. per person. Remember, the HDI also looks at government classifications, health, education, etc. 3. Social Data: Literacy Rate
Standard of Living of South Asia LESS DEVELOPED region based upon HDI (1 = ) USA= .931 (Ranked 4th in the world) Afghanistan = .34 India = .52 Newly Industrialized Country demographic indicators
Levels of Economic Development Less Developed Nations: High birthrate and infant mortality rate Increasing population size Low G.D.P. per capita and literacy rate Developed Nations: Low birthrates and infant mortality rate Stable population growth High G.D.P. per capita and literacy rate Newly Industrialized: Developed Nations Newly Industrialized . Less Developed Nations
Demographic Indicator EQ 2: What type of economic activity does most of South Asia rely on? EQ 3: What type of education opportunities exist in South Asia? EQ 4: What type of education opportunities exist for women in South Asia? EQ 5: What has caused political unrest in South Asia? HDI / Standard of Living .39 to .69 equating to less developed countries with some countries becoming newly industrialized. Economic Activities Reliance on primary activities (farming, herding, etc.) Education Opportunities: Limited depending on location and gender Opportunities for Women Limited, especially in Pakistan and Afghanistan Political Unrest Ethnic and religious unrest in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka (ex. Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan or Tamils in Sri Lanka). General Demographic Indicators Demographic Indicator Level Gross Domestic Product (Per Capita) Low Life Expectancy (years) Moderate Literacy Infant Mortality Rate High
Commercial industries EQ 6: Why are commercial industries less prevalent than cottage industries in South Asia? Cottage Industries Vs. Commercial industries Why do you think cottage industries/subsistence farming more prevalent than commercial industry/farming? Arid climate in the west, little education, little infrastructure, civil unrest, etc. Many individuals across South Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan, etc.) supplement farming with cottage industries, including pottery and textiles. There is limited manufacturing within the region, but some service industry is beginning to be developed in India’s urban centers.
Subsistence agriculture Commercial agriculture Vs Commercial agriculture Which picture best represents subsistence farming? B A Subsistence farming dominates South Asia with only small pockets of commercial farming.
B A Women (Review) The role of women varies throughout the region. In India, women make up 55% of farm labor. They are also more likely to be involved in micro lending, which ‘s cottage industries & standard of living in the rural areas! Ethnic and Religious Minorities In general, underrepresented populations have less opportunity within countries of South Asia. For example, Muslims in India often feel discriminated against, leading to persistent confrontations between these two groups. Which picture do you think best represents the minority? B A
EQ 7: How does the Green Revolution increase food production in South Asia? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HucSCNQ01X4&feature=related
Green Revolution: adapting to environment to feed the people Using science & technology to increase food production irrigation & better farming methods genetically “altered” seeds India not self-sufficient (drought) ↑ production but ↑population growth & water scarcity & clean water access are issues.
Global trade patterns compare overtime: EQ 8: How has India entered into globalization? EQ 9: How have foreign countries used the population of India? Global trade patterns compare overtime: New Technologies, such as telecommunications, have allowed countries like India the ability to become more interwoven into globalization. Implications of globalization: India’s (1)large population, (2)low wage workers, and (3)developing infrastructure (urban areas only) has created an environment of outsourcing, where companies contract out some of their work to third parties within India.
Pre-AP: Use the information from the article on my website Pre-AP: Use the information from the article on my website. Your article must have these six things: • A short, catchy title. • An introductory paragraph that tells about India’s information technology. It should also state your purpose for writing. • A second paragraph that explains why India has become a leader in the IT revolution. Include at least two factors. • A third paragraph that describes how the IT revolution has affected people from Bangalore. Give at least two examples. • Two images (photographs, maps, or graphs) that show something you wrote about. These can be drawings you make if writing. • Correct grammar and spelling. Use these terms in your article: comparative advantage, information technology, and outsource.