Congratulations to Lauri New professional opportunity Continuing Education Coordinator for the Tennessee State Library and Archives
Thank You Lauri!
ACEware Emmy For Best Daytime Show
ACEware OSCAR Best Design Best Screen writing Best Directing Best Webinar Hostest
ACEware Appreciation 18 Years of ACEware Service
THINGS User Should Know Every
We have a webinar archive!
1 What version are we on? And the second question . . .
What is the current version? And the third question . . .
What optional modules do we have? Help / About Student Manager / Show Optional Modules
2 You can speed up searches Off is recommended On is recommended Disable “Auto Complete” Enable “Disable 1st Word Auto Search”
2 You can speed up searches On is recommended Enable “Search Fields on a Begins With Basis”
2 You can speed up searches REMEMBER, You Got HELP ! ! Enable “Search Fields on a Begins With Basis”
De-actívate Old Courses (consider archiving) 3
De-actívate Unused Codes (and reports and fee descriptions) 4
BACKUP! 5 Tools / Backup Data
Help your supervisor (and help yourself!) 6 New dean or director? We’re happy to provide a tour of Student Manager! Complimentary!
Set up Favorite Reports 7 Set up Favorite Reports
8 Know your “F” keys!
Online help is available 9 Online help is available
10 We offer training!
Training and Feeding Your Tech If you are reporting a problem, here are three things the tech will ask. Have an answer ready! What version are you running? What were you doing when things went wrong? Did you screen capture the error message? If you are asking for help with a report: What fields/information do you want/need on the report? (A little advanced planning saves everyone a lot of time) Do you know what you want it to look like?
Emergency!! ! !
Emergency! ! ! ! DON”T JUST SEND a electronic “Smoke Signal” (email) CALL ACEware, and get a tech!
We encourage you to reach out and chat with us! Phone Email Listserv Forum Newsletter Facebook Annual Conference Local training ops
21st Annual ACEware User’s Conference June 20-23, 2017 Scottsdale, Arizona
Formal Training Opportunity! Making Data-Based Decisions November, 16, 2016 Baltimore, Maryland
ACEware / Ed2Go Integration Now available!
If this were a Top 20 List, what would you add?
Questions? 800-925-2493
Supplemental Data Capture Pages November 10th 1:30 pm (central) Our next webinar . . . A special webinar for ACEweb users Supplemental Data Capture Pages November 10th 1:30 pm (central)