Singapore/Hong Kong Start-up Strategy
SINGAPORE/ HONG KONG Prof. Peter Cohan; x5912 Lecturer in Strategy Founder and president, Peter S. Cohan & Associates, management consulting and venture capital Investor in seven startups, three of which were sold for over $2 billion Author of 11 books Forbes columnist Featured in 2016 documentary: We the People: The Market Basket Effect
SINGAPORE/ HONG KONG Purpose Benefits Promote understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) of two small Asian countries – Singapore and Hong Kong – with significant intellectual capital but very small local markets for their products Benefits To understand how Singapore and Hong Kong spur startups To get a deeper understanding of their business cultures To meet Singapore and Hong Kong entrepreneurs, business educators, government officials, and capital providers
SINGAPORE/ HONG KONG Pre-travel academic sessions (required): Saturday, November 5th , 9:30 am – 2:30 pm AND Saturday, December 10th , 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Online orientation must be completed prior to last academic session Travel dates: Thursday, January 5th- Sunday, January 15th, 2017 Course Wrap up: completed in country Deliverables: Presentations during pre-departure sessions (group) 20% On-campus participation and professionalism (individual) 10% On-site participation and professionalism (individual) 15% On-site daily journals (individual) 20% Post travel consulting presentations (group) 35%
Eligibility/ Credits/Course Confirmation Check website for eligibility: (graduate student/Babson Electives Abroad/Elective Abroad Eligibility) In good social and academic standing Min participants: 15 (Max 25); minimum must be reached for course to run 3 credits
Singapore/Hong Kong Start-up Strategy-2016