Background – Location & Subject Applications South of Palm Coast Parkway on both sides of Colbert Lane Essentially Built-Out Agreement to close out DRI
Background – History of Grand Haven DRI Approved in 1989 as “River Club” 1,812 units on 861 acres along with 100,000 sq. ft. of commercial space Golf Course, parks, and other amenities
Background – History of Grand Haven DRI Amendments include: Addition of lands in 1997 & 2001 bringing total of DRI lands to +/-1,478 acres Addition of 89 dwelling units in 2001 bringing total to 1,901 dwelling units & reduction to 85,000 sq. ft. of neighborhood commercial & shopping center development Currently: 1,555 residential units constructed All 1,901 units are either platted, approved as part of site plan, or constructed
Grand Haven – Essentially Built Out (EBO) Agreement
Grand Haven EBO is agreement to close-out DRI Main purpose is to address future development in DRI without DRI review EBO is agreement between City, State Land Planning Agency, and Developer and outlines terms to continue development DRI-DO expired in 2007, however, development may continue with EBO agreement
Grand Haven Conditions in the EBO City will continue to issue permits to entitled property owners Owners of platted lots are vested Concurrency is granted for 1,901 dwelling units & 85,000 sq. ft. of commercial EBO does not affect subdivision covenants, conditions, and restrictions Future development still subject to development review fees, building permit fees, inspection fees, impact fees, and other fees associated with development Maximum trips shall not exceed 16,911 daily trips
Grand Haven Conditions in the EBO Deletion of 5.82 acres, Parcels have been deleted from Grand Haven MPD and included in the Grand Haven North MPD
Grand Haven Conditions in the EBO Future Development: PLDRB has recommended decrease in additional units from 6 to 4 Increase potential dwelling units from 1901 to 1905 Potential for additional 4 units on Parcel K Subject to Comprehensive Plan Amendment & MPD Agreement
Grand Haven Conditions in the EBO Future Development: Commercial Parcel B is limited to 74,000 sq. ft. to not trigger warrant study for traffic signal at main entrance to Grand Haven (Waterside Pkwy.) Total commercial sq. ft. is still 85,000 sq. ft.
Grand Haven - Findings Development has met special conditions of DRI Resolution 2001-33 summarizes satisfaction of DRI conditions Development is essentially built-out