Developed and Developing Countries Population Growth Developed and Developing Countries According to the Human Development Index , there are 35 countries that are "highly developed“ in the world. The total population of these developed countries is 14.6% of world population. This means that 85.4% of the world's population lives in developing countries. [1] Developed country Very High Developing country High Medium Low Data unavailable Figure 1.1
Current World Population Population Growth Current World Population The world population is currently estimated to be 6.94 billion by the United States Census Bureau as of July 1, 2011. [2] Figure 1.2 Figure 2
Food Matters 51% Male 49% Female 60% Asians 14% Africans 12% Europeans Population Growth World Population 51% Male 49% Female 60% Asians 14% Africans 12% Europeans 8% Latin Americans 5% From the USA and Canada 1% From the South Pacific ……. 50% Would be malnourished 1% Dying of starvation 33% No access to a safe water 33% Live on $1 / day 33% More would live on $2 / day Food Matters
World Population Growth The world population had double in half of a century from about 3 billion in 1950s to 6 billions in 1999. Since then, world population has increasing by 1 billion people every 12-14 years. Current projections show the increase in population to reach 9.2 billion by 2050, and 12 billion by 2100. [2] Figure 1.3 Figure 2
World Population Density Population Growth World Population Density 74% of the world's population lives on 5% of the earth's surface, which is 13% of the land area. 67% of people live within 500 km of an ocean.[3] Figure 1.4 Figure 2
World Population In Hunger Population Growth World Population In Hunger Figure 1.5
Food Matters Sub-Saharan Africa: 239 million Population Growth World Population In Hunger Sub-Saharan Africa: 239 million Asia and the Pacific: 578 million Latin America and the Caribbean: 53 million Near East and North Africa: 37 million Developed countries: 19 million Food Matters Roughly 9 in 10 children (1.6 billion total children) under the age of 15 currently reside in developing parts of the world.
Developed vs Developing Countries Population Growth Developed vs Developing Countries The majority of the growth is occurring in developing countries, most of which is occurring in poor urban areas. The population growth in developing countries will be almost 20 times that of developed countries by 2050. Figure 1.6
Increase in Growth is due to: Population Growth Population Increase Developing Nations Increase in Growth is due to: Longer life expectancy Fertility rate remains high in developing nations Poverty Limited access to health care, contraception, and education Social, cultural, and lack of women’s rights Region like sub-Sahara Africa, Middle East, and Southeast Asia lack major access to family planning services. [5] Figure 2
Decline in Growth is due to: Population Growth Population Decline in many Developed Nations Decline in Growth is due to: Increased sanitation and health care Increased education and employment opportunities for women Later age of marriage Availability of family planning and contraception.[5] Figure 2
Africa: 6.7 Middle East: 6.1 East Asia: 5.3 [6] Population Growth Fertility Rate For a population to replace itself, the fertility rate have to be 2.1 children per woman. Africa: 6.7 Middle East: 6.1 East Asia: 5.3 [6] Figure 1.7 Figure 2
Low-income: 4.1 High-income: 1.9…… Population Growth Fertility Rate Figure 1.8 Figure 2
Population Growth World Population Growth Rate by Percentage Although world population growth rate is declining, population growth will continue to increase because nearly 1/3 of the world’s population is under 15 years of age and therefore has not yet reached childbearing age. Since this demographic group is so large in absolute numbers, even if each woman has fewer children than in the past, there will still be a significant increase in global population over the next several decades. [7] Figure 2
Between 2011 and 2100 Population Growth Future Growth in Developed and Developing Countries Between 2011 and 2100 High-fertility countries – Most of sub-Sahara Africa- population is projected to triple Going from 1.2 billion to 4.2 billion This projection assumed that a wider availability of family planning will continue to be implemented. If high fertility countries do not achieve this reduction- those population may increase by 4 to 5 fold. Intermediate-fertility countries – US, Mexico, India- will increase by 26% Low-fertility countries – Most of Europe, China, and Australia, Japan, will decline by about 20%[8]
Developed Countries – U.S. Population Growth Developed Countries – U.S. The U.S. population’s current growth rate is 1.1% per year making it the fastest-growing industrialized country in the world. It will be more than half a billion (520 million) people within the next 40 years (2050). The main population growth is coming from immigrations and lower income families.[9] Figure 1.9
20% of the world migrants in 2005 ended up in the United States Population Growth U.S. Migrant 20% of the world migrants in 2005 ended up in the United States Figure 1.10 Figure 5
U.S. Population Growth vs Resources Although the U.S. population is only 4% of the world total population, it consumes 25% of the total resources, as well as producing more carbon dioxide and waste per capita than any other nations. Any population changes in the U.S. have a powerful impact in global resources. [10] Figure 1.11 Figure 1.12
If U.S. Population Keep Increase… Population Growth U.S. Population Growth If U.S. Population Keep Increase… For every 1 person that is added to the US population, 1 acre of land is lost due to urbanization and highway construction alone. Food prices will increase 3 to 5 time the current price. Right now, about 15% of US income is spent on food compare to 50%-60% in developing countries. That 15% is expected to increase to 40% to 50% by 2050. Only 0.6 acres of farmland will be available per person, as oppose to 1.2 acres per person to maintain the current US diet. The US will cease from exporting food by 2025 to support domestic needs. Since food exports earn $40 billion for the US annually, this will result in even greater trade deficit. With the US being the world's largest food exporter, the survival of millions of people around the world will be in question. Current available resources (land, water, energy) will be exhausted within the next 30-40 years. [11]
Population Growth vs Resources The rate of population growth has a strong correlation with the effectiveness of the dominant fuel source at any given point in history. As the chart below shows, wood was the dominant fuel until coal came on the scene in the 1600s. The population growth rate increased modestly with the proliferation of coal. But the real exponential growth began with the discovery and exploitation of crude oil. Crude oil production is peaking and the world is in the early stages of a transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy. [12] Figure 1.13
Population Growth vs Resources Much of what we consume is not renewable. As our population increases, we are exponentially bumping up against the limits of earth’s ability to provide for us. According to the Millennium Assessment, 60 percent of earth's ecosystems are currently being used at a rate exceeding their capacity to provide goods and services. [12] Figure 1.14
Population Growth vs Resources China, Brazil, and India’s energy consumption is growing quickly as they move toward American patterns of consumption. The trend is strong and steady, with no signs of slowing down.[13] Figure 1.15
Population Growth More Food Yet More Hunger – Green Revolution Increase in food production does not end hunger. If the poor don't have the money to buy or get access food, increase in production is not going to help them. From 1970-1990: The total food available per person in the world rose by 11 percent over those two decades, while the estimated number of hungry people fell from 942 million to 786 million, a 16 percent drop. However, if you eliminate China from the analysis, the number of hungry people in the rest of the world actually increased by more than 11 percent, from 536 to 597 million. In South America, for example, while per capita food supplies rose almost 8 percent, the number of hungry people also went up, by 19 percent. In south Asia, there was 9 percent more food per person by 1990, but there were also 9 percent more hungry people. Nor was it increased population that made for more hungry people. The total food available per person actually increased. What made greater number of people in hunger was the failure to address unequal access to food and food-producing resources.[13]
Population Growth Conclusion Population growth must stop! Developing Countries: Reduce in resource consumption Implement family planning, contraceptives, and education Equal access to food and water Population growth decreases as hunger and poverty decrease Developed Countries: US must control population growth Reduction in resources consumption and population control must occur simultaneously if we ever expect to make it.
~ Sir David Attenborough [14] Population Growth For the Future “instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, maybe we should control the population to ensure the survival of our environment” ~ Sir David Attenborough [14]
Population Growth Bibliography 1.” International Human Development Indicators”. Human Development Reports. 2. “ World Population”. Wikipedia. 3. “Population Growth and Population Density Resources”. 4. “FAO on Hunger, World Food Programme, World Bank 5. “Population Quickfacts”. The Sustainable Scale Project. 6. “Total Fertility Rate”. Wikipedia. 7. “FOA on Hunger.” 2010 Hunger Report. 8. “World Population Growth-Past, Present, Future.” World Resources Institute. 9.”Population Dynamics Country”. World Population Awareness. 10.”Enviromental Policy issues”. ProQuest. 11. David Pimentel , Mario Giampietro Istituto. FOOD, LAND, POPULATION and the U.S. ECONOMY. November 21, 1994. 12. Jay Kimball. The Real Population Problems. 03 Jan 2010. 13. “Lessons from the Green Revolution”. First Food. 14. “POPULATION QUOTES”. Better World Quotes.
Population Growth Bibliography Figure 1.1 “Developed Country”. Wikipedia. Resed_country Figure 1.2 “World Population”. Wikipedia. Figure 1.3 “Population Growth: The forgotten worry, though crisis countries.” Figure 1.4 “World Population Density Map”. World Map Gallery. Figure 1.5 “New Teaching Tool - Hunger Map 2011”. World Food Programmer. Figure 1.6 “Population Reference Bureau”. Figure 1.7,1.8 “Health statistics and health information systems”. World Health Organization.
Population Growth Bibliography Figure 1.9,1.10 “United Nations Population Division”, The World Band and International Monetary Fund. Figure 1.11 “ Improvement on Efficiency”. A Musing Environment. Figure 1.12 “World Energy Resumption”. Solcomhouse. Figure 1.13,1.14,1.15 “The Real Population Problem”. Countercurrents.