Computer Engineering Department Eastern Mediterranean University CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice DISCUSSION: Ontology Integration Atilla ELÇİ Computer Engineering Department Eastern Mediterranean University 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004
Midterm Exam Take-home. Try your best effort. Lots of information is available on UML and converting UML diagrams to RDF at OMG site or in Web at large. 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004
CASE STUDIES Q & A. 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004
ICWS 2005: IEEE Intl. Conference on Web Services July 12-15, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. Theme: Bridge the Gap between Business Services and IT Services. Something to do with “Semantic Web services” could be a good topic. Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission, panel proposals, tutorial proposals, and review process can be found at All submissions are to be refereed. One Best Paper award and 1-3 Best Student Paper Awards will be presented by ICWS 2005. Submission Dates: Abstract and Paper Submission due date: January 31, 2005 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004
BSN 2005 1st Intl. Workshop on Business Services Networks Held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE-05) 29 March, 2005 - Hong Kong Check Dates: December 25, 2004: Abstract Submission Due (Optional) January 24, 2005: Full Paper Submission Due. 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004
RAST 2005 Intl. Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies: Space in the Service of Society. June 9-11 2005, Istanbul, Turkey Example subjects: SW applications in: Satellite intelligence and autonomy New and novel instrumentation for various spacecraft functions International cooperation in space Scientific applications in near Earth space, deep space, etc. Social, educational and other benefits of space Submission of summaries and special session proposals due date: 25 January 2005. 9.12.04 CmpE 583 Fall 2004