A telephone complaint voicemail 1 Third Grade – Unit 1 Part 1 Project A telephone complaint voicemail www.juicyenglish.com
The audio should contain (5 Parts): Greeting. A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 2 The audio should contain (5 Parts): Greeting. Introduction (Reason for calling). Say your complaint. Conclusion (Solution for the problem). Closing (Contact info). Complaint Audio
a) Good morning / afternoon / night. Introduce yourself. A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 3 Complaint Part 1 – Greeting. Greeting. a) Good morning / afternoon / night. Introduce yourself. a) My name is… b) I am… The reason why you are calling. I have a complaint to make. Audio
Part 2 - Introduction (Reason for calling). A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 4 Part 2 - Introduction (Reason for calling). Complaint Date. a) On September 23rd,… b) Last week/ weekend / Monday,… c) Yesterday,… Introduction. a) my father was in your hospital and… b) I was in room 45 and… c) I was in your hospital and… d) my sister was in E/R (emergency room) and… Audio
Part 3 – Say your complaint. A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 5 Part 3 – Say your complaint. Complaint Complaint(s) a) The doctor arrived very late. b) The clean service is terrible. c) The nurse is so rude with patients. d) The doctor gave me a bad prescription. e) The nurse uses her mobile phone all the time. f) … Audio
Part 4 - Conclusion (Solution for the problem). A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 6 Complaint Part 4 - Conclusion (Solution for the problem). Solutions. a) I want an explanation / apology. b) To solve the problem, improve your service. c) I think, you should talk to her / him. d) To solve the problem I want a refund. e) I would like you explain what happened. f) … Audio
I look forward to hearing from you to resolve the problem. A telephone complaint voicemail. Project: Record an audio about a health service complaint using your cellphone. 7 Complaint Part 5 - Closing. Audio I look forward to hearing from you to resolve the problem. Please contact me by phone. My telephone number is 33-54-56-01. Thank you.
Last week – La semana pasada 8 Written example #1: Good afternoon! My name is Kevin Johnson. I have a complaint to make. Last week, I was in your hospital in room 15 and the doctor arrived very late. To solve the problem, I want an explanation. Please contact me by phone. My telephone number is 55-44-33-21-00. Thank you! Key vocabulary Nouns Complaint – Queja Expressions Last week – La semana pasada I was – Yo estaba Verbs Make – Hacer Solve – Solucionar Want – Querer Contact - Contactar
Good night! I’m Mr. Alvarez I have a complaint to make. 9 Written example #2: Good night! I’m Mr. Alvarez I have a complaint to make. Yesterday, I was in your hospital in room 7 and the doctor prescribed the wrong medication. To solve the problem I want an explanation and my medicines. Please contact me by phone. My telephone number is 23-42-39-11-60. Thank you!
Written example #3: Good morning! My name is James Carroll. 10 Written example #3: Good morning! My name is James Carroll. I have a complaint to make. On September 29th, I was in your hospital in room 201 and the clean service is very bad. The bathroom was dirty. And the nurse Allison Stone is so rude! To solve the problem I want you improve your clean service and I think you should talk to her. I look forward to hearing from you to resolve the problem. Please contact me by phone. My telephone number is 53-54-66-03. Thank you!