Welcome Parents! Ms. Rodriguez’s 4th Grade Class Gifted & Advanced


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Parents! Ms. Rodriguez’s 4th Grade Class Gifted & Advanced Reading/LA/Social Studies 2016 – 2017 School Year

Contact Information Email: lrodriguez@doralacademyes.org Email: vlopez@doralacademyes.org Email: jhernandez@doralacademyes.org Phone: (305) 597 – 9999 Send a note in student agenda or paper Email is preferred! 

Our Schedule Ms. Rodriguez

Our Schedule Mrs. Lopez/Hernandez

Our Class Information Classroom Rules: Listen when others are talking. Follow directions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Show respect for school and personal property. Work and play in a safe manner. Rewards: *Verbal Praise *Free Time/Special Privileges *Treasure Box Rewards *Free Home Learning Passes Consequences: Green Card- A in conduct for the day Yellow Card- B in conduct for the day (verbal warning) Blue Card- C in conduct for the day (call/notice home) Orange Card- D in conduct for the day ( detention) Red Card- F in conduct for the day (referral to office) **If any parent would like to donate treats for our classroom rewards, please let me know. (volunteer hours will be granted) **

Home Learning Class Website . www.doralacademy.org Students have daily home learning. They will copy assignments in their agendas every morning. Students are required to complete Weekly I-Ready assignments (Students will receive a quarterly grade) Spelling Packets are due on Fridays *3 missed assignments = detention Class Website . Weekly Topics Test Dates & Upcoming Events Important Announcements Home Learning Assignments (subject to change) www.doralacademy.org

Accelerated Reader Students will receive an individualized AR goal and are expected to meet it on a quarterly basis. . 30 minutes of silent reading at home is a MUST! Students will receive a quarterly AR grade. . To check if a book is AR and to determine the reading level, go to . www.arbookfind.com

Student Grades All students’ grades are available online on the parent portal! http://www.dadeschools.net Click on Parents Click “Login to Portal” Gifted & Advanced Program All teaching will be done at a higher and rigorous level! Project based program at an accelerated pace! Fun, Meaningful, and Exciting!

Doral Academy Attendance Policy Classroom door opens at 8:10 and instruction begins promptly at 8:30. Students are marked tardy after 8:30. (ALL tardies are unexcused) Tardies (5-7-10 Rule) 5 tardies: Written note or email to parent 7 tardies: Final notice note before referral 10 tardies: Referral issued 3 Referrals = Expulsion

NEW Doral Academy Attendance Policy Excused Parent Notes Only 10 parent notes are allowed in a school year, when you have reached your parent note limit only doctor’s note will be accepted. Notes to excuse an absence will NOT be accepted after 48 hours. Unexcused Absesnses (3 – 5 -10 Rule) 3 unexcused absences – contact to parent by phone or email 5 unexcused absences – a referral will be issued Absences of more than five consecutive days must be excused by a doctor’s note. 3 Referrals = Expulsion

NEW Doral Academy Attendance Policy Early Dismissal Students will be penalized for excessive early dismissals. 10 unexcused early dismissals = referral . For the early dismissal to be considered excused a doctor/dentist note is required within 48 hours of the appointment. No child will be dismissed after 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. If your child needs to leave early for any excusable reason they must leave before 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.

Dismissal Procedures Parent Pickup 4th grade will dismiss in the drop off/ pick up area (MUST make a RIGHT on 97th ave after picking up child) Child must notify me when leaving No “mini-conferences” are allowed at dismissal Rainy Day Dismissal Reminder! If any changes are made to your child’s usual dismissal area please call the school to notify me! After Care Students will report directly to after care teacher. Bus Students will be escorted to the bus area.

Policies @ D.A.C. NO items (home learning, book bags, projects, etc.) will be brought to the classroom after instruction has begun. Lunch boxes that are dropped off will be taken directly to the cafeteria and placed on an unsupervised table for your child to pick up during their scheduled lunch period. Our staff has increased, therefore NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE FRONT!!!! If you must get off the car for any reason you must park in Carlos Albizu University. If you are running late you may NOT leave your child in aftercare unless they are pre-enrolled.

Rolling book bags are NOT allowed, unless you have a doctor’s note. Uniform Policy Students should come to school in their Doral Academy uniform everyday. Rolling book bags are NOT allowed, unless you have a doctor’s note. Every Friday is Jean Day for $1.00.Students are allowed to wear jeans and Doral Academy t-shirt. Payments are made ONLINE Quarterly.

Online Store Tutorial Online Store Tutorial 1. Log on to our school website www.doralacademy.org and select school (DAC or JAM) 2. On the HOME PAGE, click on the tab STORE 3. In the ONLINE STORE WEBSITE select a school (DAC or JAM). 4. After selecting the school, you will see all options available (Agenda, Jean Day, Field Trips …). 5. After selecting the item/event, click ADD items to CART. 6. Then LOGIN or CREATE a NEW ACCOUNT. 7. After logging in you can see the items in your cart and proceed with the purchase (here you MUST SELECT A STUDENT) 8. If creating a new account, go to “items in your cart” and proceed with the purchase, but you will be prompted to add a student profile (FULL NAME & STUDENT ID) .Every item/event purchased must be linked to a student (Parents can have one account with more than one student profile.) *** The Online Store will NOT store your credit card information for security purposes.***

*Morning Care and Afterschool Care at available through Leap Services. $ School Fees $ For Sale: Agenda School Folder Field Trip T-Shirt NOW ONLINE Lunch is $3.25 / Breakfast $2.25 ($0.40 for reduced price meals) *Applications are available only online* Early Arrival Fee: $1.00 per minute (before 8:00 A.M.) Late Pick-up Fee: $1.00 per minute (after 3:15 P.M.) *Morning Care and Afterschool Care at available through Leap Services.

Florida Standards Assessment All fourth graders in the state of Florida will be taking the Writing, Reading and Math Florida Standards Assessment. The 2017 Florida Standards Writing Assessment will be administered in the month of April/May (specific dates will be given when they are released) The Reading & Math portion will be computer based More information will be given during FCAT Parent Night. Don’t panic 

Volunteer Hours All families must complete 30 volunteer hours for the 2016-2017 school year Families participating in the before and after care programs for the duration of the entire school year, receive 15 hours per program. Please check class web page and emails for volunteer opportunities. 1 volunteer hour given per $2 spent. Please turn in receipts with any donations. Families with more than one child at Doral Academy Elementary may split their hours between teachers.

Volunteers The School Volunteer Program consists of electronic registration and background checks. There are two different levels of volunteers. Any individual interested in volunteering in Doral Academy MUST register through the Community Portal at www.dadeschools.net *4th grade students will be attending an out of county field trip, therefore, a level 2 clearance will be required for parents wishing to attend. Level 1 - Complete a database background check Level 2 - Complete a fingerprint background check Day chaperones for field trips Classroom volunteers Overnight chaperones Tutors

4th Grade Novel Kate DiCamillo We will begin the year with our first novel: The Tale of Despereaux by: Kate DiCamillo Students need to have the book by 9/1 *Electronic books are acceptable. However, please note that we are not responsible for any lost or damaged items

Birthday Celebrations *Celebrations may take place at the end of the day with prior arrangements Birthday Celebrations During lunch (11:00-11:30am) Cupcakes and Juice

Classroom Wish List Items for class treasure box (treats, candies, small toys) 2 Small Area Rugs for Classroom Library Items for recess (basketball, soccer ball, football, jump ropes, etc.) Electric Pencil Sharpener Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches (8.5x11) Class Set of Dry Erase Boards (26) Thick dry erase markers (multi-colored) Thick dry erase markers (black) Books for Classroom Library Class Set of Scissors Class Set of Glue Bottles Mr. Sketch Colored Markers (5 packs) Pack of White Card Stock Paper 3 boxes of sandwich size Ziploc bags Boxes of Pencils Lysol Disinfecting spray Lysol Disinfecting wipes Gift Cards: (Dollar Tree, Walmart, Office Depot)

Scholastic Book Clubs Online Ordering www.scholastic.com Class Code GLJVQ Free books for our class! Volunteer Opportunities If you wish to donate books to our classroom library, you may send a check payable to: Scholastics Book Clubs

Art - Mrs. A Clancy (Rodriguez) Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! A Welcome Packet with specific art supplies by grade, classroom rules and expectations, art projects and home learning will be sent home the first week of school. Supply list for all students to be kept in the art room listed below: -1 Ziploc Big Bag *can reuse bags from previous years -Prang Oval 8 Watercolors (please do not get the following kind of Prang watercolors: washable, glitter and/or metallic) All information related to Art will be posted and up to date on my DAC webpage. For any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at: arodriguez@doralacademyes.org

DORAL ACADEMY CHEERLEADING Save the Date: Monday, August 29th from 3:30-5:30 pm   Please read all information below and in the Tryout Packet before tryouts. Must have the Tryout Packet signed and returned no later than Friday, August 26th to try out. Tryout Packet is attached below. Must have $20 cash- this includes a Doral Cheer Tryout shirt Girls making the squad will be informed by email given from Information Sheet from the Tryout packet on Tuesday, August 30th. IF you make the team: New cheerleaders are expected to fill out the Step Ahead registration form and have that payment readily available for Wednesday, August 31st practice at Step Ahead Gym. Any new cheerleaders not present at Wednesday’s practice at Step Ahead will be removed from the squad since we have already begun preparations for competition in December. Following payments due Wednesday, August 31st Cash Only: $45.00 Step Ahead Registration Fee with Registration Form signed $30.00 Step Ahead Monthly Fee for August


The Musical Year at a Glance QUARTER 1 Music Theory, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers & Musical Eras QUARTER 2 World Music/Holiday Music, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 3 Music Theory Review, Recorder, Instrument Families, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras QUARTER 4 Musicals, Composers, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege, Composers and Musical Eras   *The quarterly topics are subject to change throughout the year.*

Music Supplies for 2nd & 3rd Grade 2ND GRADE CLASSES For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards 3RD GRADE CLASSES For 3rd Grade Students To Give To Ms. Losada and Mr. Alvarez: -1 Ream of Copy Paper

Music Supplies for 4th Grade 4TH GRADE CLASSES For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Musical Staff Paper (notebook or loose-leaf placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards -$7 for a Recorder (to be purchased in October from the Music Department/Doral Online Store ) For Students To Give To Ms. Losada and Mr. Alvarez: -1 box of Tissues

Music Supplies for 5th Grade 5TH GRADE CLASSES For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Musical Staff Paper (notebook or loose-leaf placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards -$7 for a Recorder (to be purchased in October from the Music Department/Doral Online Store ) For Students To Give To Ms. Losada and Mr. Alvarez: -Hand Sanitizer

DAC ELEMENTARY CHORUS DAC Elementary Chorus Auditions for students in 3rd-5th grade will take place after school in the music room. Below are the Dates and Times: August 25th – Previous Chorus Member Meeting – 3:00pm-3:30pm August 26th – 5th Grade – 3:00pm-4:30pm August 29th – 3rd Grade Boys – 3:00pm-4:30pm August 31st – 3rd Grade Girls – 2:00pm-3:30pm September 1st – 4th Grade – 3:00pm-4:30pm September 2nd – Make Ups– 3:00pm-4:00pm Audition Forms can be found on the Music Department Webpages or through Ms. Losada. DAC Elementary Chorus results will be posted on Tuesday September 6th. Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8th in the music room from 3:00pm-4:00pm. Rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00pm-4:30pm.

JAM VOCAL ENSEMBLE JAM Middle School Chorus Interest Meeting for students in 6th-8th grade will be held after school on Tuesday September 6th. For those interested in participating rehearsals will be Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm.

Reminders Please bring all materials during the first week of school. Students will receive their first home learning assignment of the year during the first week of school – due the second week of school. More detailed information about the Music Department including home learning assignments, projects, and more can be found on the Music Department Webpages on the DAC/JAM Website. If parents have any questions or concerns about the Music Department, please feel free to email Ms. Losada (plosada@doralacademyes.org) and Mr. Alvarez (juanalvarez@doralacademyes.org). This is the best way to reach us.

2016-2017 Duties of the students at home Students of 3rd - 5th Grade should read, each period, a book in Spanish adapted to their level and understanding, and take the AR test. Students must study the vocabulary. (It will be graded) Tasks and projects will be copied by the student on their agenda and placed on the school website. Responsibilities of students that will be reflected in their grades Finish reading a book  and AR test by due date. Home learning assignment should reflect careful attention to presentation and its content. The non- attendance does not justify the non- fulfillment of the task . Classroom behavior affects grades . Mrs. Alicia Caminos My goal is to create a dynamic environment that inspires and encourages the children to speak, read and write in Spanish through interesting techniques of teaching and learning such as songs, readings, movies , games, and writing activities that will be used , among others.

Spanish Supply List 4th Grade (1)YELLOW Poly/Plastic duo-tang folder with prongs & pockets filled with line paper and 5 clear protector sheets. (1) Box of Facial Tissues.

Ms. Dani dramos@doralacademyes.org Physical Education Mr. Lopez mlopezmarin@doralacademyes.org Ms. Dani dramos@doralacademyes.org Mr. Montero dmontero@doralacademyes.org Mr. BARBOSA ebarbosa@doralacademyes.org

Physical Education Program In this program students will learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by implementing physical activity in their daily routine and mindful dietary choices. The promotion of better health habits is our number one priority. Very Important! Our Welcome Packet with specific information about Physical Education supplies and other necessary forms (ex. Physical Education Excuse Letter, and/or Contact Information form) are included with your Home Room Teacher’s Welcome Packet. Parent Contact Information Form MUST be entirely completed and turned in by Friday August 26th.

Supplies/Volunteer Hours Mandatory Athletic Shoes Red PE Folder Highly Recommended Water Bottle/Jug Sunscreen Hat Sunglasses Volunteer Hours Copy Paper Ziploc Bags Baby Wipes Tissues Ice Packs Band-Aids Duct Tape Canopy

Boys and Girls Basketball Team, and Boys and Girls Basketball Club. Coach Barbosa, Coach Lopez and Coach Del Cristo. Cheerleading Coach Anastasia Clancy, and Coach Vanessa Abreu Seasonal Sports Club (This club will take place in the morning before school). Coach Lopez Boys and Girls Volleyball Development Program (Through LEAP Services) Coach Montero Join A Team and/or Club Student Athletes must purchase School Insurance. You can find purchase information on our school online store. www.doralacademyes.org under the feature Store- Student Accident Insurance Program. $20.00 one time fee for the school year.

Thank you For your Support and cooperation. For Any Questions, coaches will be in their classrooms during open house hours.

Any Questions?