R. Piandani2 , F. Spinella2, M.Sozzi1 , S. Venditti 3


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Presentation transcript:

R. Piandani2 , F. Spinella2, M.Sozzi1 , S. Venditti 3 The TEL62: a Real-Time board for the NA62 Trigger and Data Acquisition. Data Flow and Firmware Design B. Angelucci1,2, G.Lamanna2, M.Minuti2, E. Pedreschi1,2, J. Pinzino1,2 , R. Piandani2 , F. Spinella2, M.Sozzi1 , S. Venditti 3 ( 1 University of Pisa, 2 INFN sez. Pisa, 3 CERN Geneva) NA62 experiment The NA62 detectors NA62 aims at measuring K+→π+νν with O(100) SM events, in two years of data taking. This is an unique and extremely accurate process and a clean probe for the non-trivial flavour structure of physics beyond the Standard Model Very challenging experiment. With stringent requirements: 400 GeV SPS Proton beam π ν ~10MHz ~800MHz ~50MHz 75(±1%) Gev/c ~6% K The K+ component in the beam is identified by a differential Čerenkov (CEDAR) counter The coordinates and momentum of individual beam particles are registered before entering the decay region by 3 silicon pixel tracking detectors (GTK) Guard-ring counters (CHANTI) surrounding the last GTK station veto charged particles upstream of the decay region A magnetic spectrometer (STRAW tubes Tracker) measures the coordinates and momentum of charged particles originating from the decay region. A Čerenkov counter (RICH) counter identifies pions with respect to muons A set of photon-veto detectors provides coverage from zero out to ~50mr angles from the decay region. This is assured by the high-resolution e.m. (LKR) calorimeter, by a set of small-angle calorimeters (SAC) and, at large angles, by a series of annular photon-veto (LAV) detectors. A muon-veto detector (MUV), composed of a two-part hadron calorimeter followed by additional iron and a transversally-segmented hodoscope high-resolution timing - to support a high-rate environment particle identification of kaons, pions, muons, electrons and photons hermetic vetoing of photons out to large angles and of muons within the acceptance redundancy of information The Trigger-DAQ system (TDAQ) TEL62 architecture 4 Daughter Card (DC): TEL62 is able to support up to 4 TDCB daughter-cards most sub-d need TDCs: 1 TDCB = 4 CERN HPTDCs (128 channels) => 512 channels per TEL62 4 PP- FPGAs: each one connected to one of the daughter cards DDR2 external buffer memories used for data storage during the L0 trigger latency SL-FPGA: Receives L0 primitives from each PPs, merges and send them to Level0 central processor via Quad-GbE mezzanine Receives and merge data from PPs, performs data reduction CCPC (CPU): Embedded Credit card PC handles the TEL62 slow control and configuration (running Linux) TTC: standard LHC connection for trigger and clock Quad GbE: Standard GBE network card (4 links) allows data collection on PCs The trigger and DAQ system is based on a common board (TEL62) Each board provides support both for acquisition and generation of trigger primitives. Special mezzanines for TEL62 (mainly TDCs) interface with sub-detectors front-ends. TEL62 provides asynchronous GBE data transmission (4Gb/s) and receives synchronous trigger requests via TTC standard The maximum trigger rate to the TEL62 is 1 MHz, with a latency of 1 ms Trigger primitives are received by the L0 processor , L1 and L2 are software based. PP firmware block diagram SL firmware block diagram SPI3TX SPI3RX Header mem TX mem Data packet sender TX hdr mem Header builder MEP assembler QDR mux MEP info FIFO MEP data FIFO MEP location mem Data header FIFO MEP length FIFO Evt data FIFO Evt length FIFO Event generator Event generator mem RX mem Event merger PP data FIFO Test FIFO 1 QDR TTC handler Timestamp FIFO Type FIFO Trigger dispatcher PP Data builder Data distributor Hdr mem arbiter Event mux Check summer PP-SL tester Test mem 1 Intlb tester QPLL monitor Choke Error Logger Log FIFO SL data FIFO SL data source Triginfo FIFO Trigger generator QDR interface 2 2 3 Input buffer Output buffer DDR writer DDR Frame buffers PP-SL tester Test mem 1 Logger Log FIFO Triginfo RX SL Data FIFO Data organizer DDR arbiter Monitoring DDR reader IB Data mux Trigger mux FB mux DDR mux PP-SL transmitter Trigger generator Trig FIFOmux OB Black box Data compressor Hit counters 1 4 1 3 1) Data coming from 4 TDCs are collected and merged 2) Data are organized on the fly in the DDR2 buffer Each page is related to a well defined 25 ns time slot Link with DDR2 at 160MHz x 256bit = 41Gb/s 3) A copy of the data flow is used for trigger primitives generation 4) After a L0 request (mean rate 1 MHz) a programmable number of 25 ns slots is extracted from DDR2 and sent to the SL-FPGA 1) TTC interface decodes trigger information and sends it to PP-FPGAs 2) PP data are merged, pre-processed and synchronized Data formatted in Multi Event Packet are stored into the QDR 3) UDP packets are built and sent through the 4 links of GBE Performance TEL62 performance has been measured, both with simulated and real detectors data The maximum incoming trigger rate to the TEL62 exceeds the design specifications of 1 MHz mean, decreasing with the event size. The outgoing data flow bandwidth is only limited by the 4 Gbits links (fully covered) franco.spinella@infn.it 19 th REAL-TIME Conference May 26-30 2014, Nara, Japan