English Communications SAETA 2014 English Communications
Assessment Two types of assessment: School based assessment (70%) - moderated Sample moderation for Text Analysis, Text Production & Communication Study. Students selected by SACE Board. External assessment (30%) Folio for all students is externally marked. No student or school names, SACE numbers only. Verification forms to be signed by all students and kept by teacher at the school.
School-based assessment: overview Best success for students was linked to comprehensive knowledge of course requirements by teachers The importance of task design The importance of the relationship between student cohort and assessment design criteria as outlined in the Subject Outline Task design considering full range of performance standards
School-based assessment:overview The importance and accuracy of teacher data prior to moderation Assessment is not predicted – it must be accurate No opportunity to adjust your assessment decisions Use the SACE assessment grade calculator (www.sace.sa.edu.au) Verification – required prior to moderation
Assessment type 1: text analysis Focus – development of a ‘personal and critical understanding of the ideas, values and beliefs represented in a range of texts. It is also important for students to recognise the connections between their own ideas, experiences, values, and beliefs, and those explored in texts.’
School based assessment: Text analysis Importance of text choice and task design Importance of adhering to the four prescribed text types – novel, poetry, film, drama Importance of course design and selection of course assessment criteria Consideration of student need, ability and interest
School based assessment: Text analysis Importance of the provision of a range of diverse and challenging texts Novels, poetry and film represented equally Less evidence of response to dramatic text as performance Less response to the option of independent novel choice
School based assessment: Text analysis Refer to Subject Outline for the validity of text choice Two written responses and one oral response Multimodal presentations in the minority Teachers offered a range of forms for response enabling students to demonstrate a ‘range’ of skills in relation to analysis and conventions of forms
School based assessment: text analysis ‘students should demonstrate understanding of the structure and language of particular textual forms, and identify the values, attitudes, and beliefs conveyed by these texts.’ Attainment at highest levels often revealed that one of the three analysis criterion had been addressed per response
School based assessment: text analysis Ap2 – the ‘use of evidence from texts to develop and support a response’ Students should be encouraged to incorporate evidence in the form of quotations in their responses Students should avoid retelling events or information at the expense of analysis Move beyond ‘feature spotting’ into comprehensive analysis
School based assessment: Text analysis An2 – the ‘analysis of connections between the ideas, experiences, values, and beliefs of students, and those explored in texts’ TEACH EXPLICITLY AND CONSIDER AS SOLE CRITERIA Must be evident and match your plan An1, 2 and 3 are equally important
School based assessment: Text analysis Importance of task design and text choice Consider as a group of two or more poems as opposed to individual texts Song lyrics Student selection from a range as opposed to same three texts for the class
Assessment type 2: text production Three texts (1000 words or 6 minutes) Three distinct purposes: ‘to entertain or engage’ ‘to persuade or communicate a point of view’ ‘to communicate observations or information’ Teachers to distinguish purposes in course and task design Not restricted to list of suggested forms in Subject Outline Emphasised that it is ‘essential that the form students choose should allow the text to achieve its intended purpose for the intended audience.’
School based assessment: Text production Only one task must be a 90 minute supervised written assessment under test conditions without help from the teacher Students may know the general requirements Students may not know the topics/tasks/questions beforehand Students should not be able to return to this task to edit or proofread it Students should not have access to the internet Use of computer – spelling-check/grammar check
Assessment type 3: communication study
School based assessment: communication study Two parts: 1. A comparison of two examples of communication Choice of ONE of five categories 2. a practical application Choice of ONE of eight options Throughout students should explore form, purpose, audience, language and context Practical Application – demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a particular aspect of language and communication
School based assessment: communication study Ensure that texts selected for the comparative task come from ONE if the five specified categories Ensure that students are provided the opportunity to explore and compare the relationship between: Form Purpose Audience Language Context Remember comparison in responses and the importance of synthesis of text analysis
School based assessment: communication study A demonstration of: Knowledge and understanding Analysis application Communication Importance of KU2 – ‘knowledge and understanding of the ways in which creators and readers of familiar and unfamiliar texts use a range of language techniques and strategies to make meaning’ Students to consider purpose and effect
School based assessment: communication study Practical Application Eight choices Ensure that you understand the specific expectations regarding the unique requirements for each option Every option consists of two distinct components Reflection is equally important to other aspects of tasks in this Assessment Type
School based assessment: communication study Encourage student choice and control in selection of topic and form Ensure equal consideration of production of text and reflection in terms of importance Evidence of the practical application reflection Provide more than notes – transcript, printed Powerpoint slides, Recording
School based assessment: communication study Application choice Writing for Publication the most popular option Workplace writing, film-making, investigating, language, multimedia web authoring, oral language and interacting Language choices and decisions Explicit understanding of the development of writing to publication standard Less emphasis upon the processes
operATIONAL ADVICE FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT Check SACE requirements carefully via website for submission dates and instructions Work organised according to assessment type and labelled clearly with SACE numbers or names of students to ensure accurate confirmation SACE nominate the sample Less number of cases where non-nominated student work was submitted Authentication made difficult due to incorrect and sometimes incomplete materials
operATIONAL ADVICE FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT What to include: Learning and assessment plan Addendum if necessary Context sheets assist Missing work means a Variations in Materials for the Sample for Final Moderation form from the Learning Area Manual Indicate if work has not been completed Adjust marking to reflect the absence of work that has not been completed Use performance standard criteria to determine reduction in marks – not a mathematical system of reduction
operATIONAL ADVICE FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT Formative work or drafts are not required for submission Refer to the Subject Outline for specific requirements for all Assessment Types and tasks SACE single draft policy Appropriate requested evidence of oral presentations in the form of transcripts, detailed notes in conjunction with recordings
operATIONAL ADVICE FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT Adherence to the SACE Word-count policy or time limit Plagiarism continues to be a concern in a minority of cases Authentication of the originality of student work in progress is important to avoid the submission of plagiarised scripts
operATIONAL ADVICE FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT Recommendation of internal moderation in order to ensure the consistency of marking standards Particularly important for schools with multiple classes in a single assessment group Consider the benefits of this decision if it is difficult to communicate regarding standards and meet to read student samples across classes