Connecting the College to University Student Journey Dr Robert Ingram and Yvonne Wayne Enhancement Themes Conference, Thursday 9 June 2016 John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
College Connect Strategy 2013-20 Draws on partnerships and models developed by the Greater Glasgow Articulation Partnership Three Main Strands of Work: Working with Students Working with Colleges Research and Evaluation
Aims Accelerate Reinforce Enhance Assist Increase Raise
College Connect Academy Pre and post entry transition and progression support, engagement, activities Associate Student Scheme Partnerships Joint planning, curriculum development and CPD activities, guaranteed places Strategic Partnerships and Subject Partnerships Robust Evidence Base Progression, performance, completion
Measures of Success Achievements by 2020 Maintain the current proportion of students articulating to GCU Enhanced transitional experience Increase in progression, retention and completion and graduate level employment Maintain and grow the proportion from ‘hard to reach’ groups
Aims of College Connect Research Explore articulating students’ awareness and engagement in the Associate Student Scheme (College Connect Membership) whilst they undertook their HN in college Assess the nature and extent of peer support activities involving students during their time at college and to date at the University To provide a strong evidence base to support and sustain articulation developments and contribute to further enhancing the college and university experience for articulating students To make an essential contribution to evaluating the impact and success of the College Connect Strategy
College Connect Student Survey Associate Student Scheme Awareness of Associate Student Scheme at any time during HN % Yes 51 No 49 Total (N = 228) 100
College Connect Student Survey Associate Student Scheme Whether engaged with supports or activities within the Associate Student Scheme at any time during HN % Yes 51 No 49 Total (N = 114) 100 Why did not engage with supports or activities within the Associate Student Scheme at any time during HN % for each response (N = 57) Too busy studying for HN 47 Did not receive information/know about it 39 Did not feel would benefit 30 Because of work commitments 25 Because of caring/dependent responsibilities 11
College Connect Student Survey Engaging with activities outwith Associate Student Scheme Whether engaged with any of the following supports or activities % for each response (N = 155) GCU Induction Events 41 GCU Campus Visits 36 GCU Student Mentors 25 College Connect Transition Programme 16 Degree Programme Specific Pre-Entry Activities 12 Accessing subject-specific online learning materials Accessing online transition support materials 8 Attending or accessing online any Masterclasses 2
College Connect Student Survey Engaging with activities within Associate Student Scheme Whether engaged with any of the following supports or activities as part of the Associate Student Scheme % for each response (N = 67) GCU Induction Events 67 GCU Campus Visits 61 College Connect Transition Programme 54 GCU Student Mentors 49 Visiting GCU to access the library 28 Visiting GCU to access student support services 13 Accessing GCU Virtual Learning Environment (GCU Learn) 12 Degree Programme Specific Pre-Entry Activities 10 Accessing subject-specific online learning materials 9 Accessing online transition support materials 7 Membership of the GCU Students’ Association Attending or accessing online any Masterclasses 1 Visiting GCU to access the gym
College Connect Student Survey If found supports or activities useful % Yes 85 No 15 Total (N = 176) 100 Support/activities part of Associate Student Scheme Support/activities NOT part of Associate Student Scheme % Yes 90 82 No 10 18 Total 100 (N = 67) 100 (N = 109)
Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU College Connect Student Survey Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU Awareness of advice and support from GCU Student Mentors to date at GCU % Yes 57 No 43 Total (N = 213) 100
Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU College Connect Student Survey Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU When first aware of advice and support could receive from GCU Student Mentors about GCU % Prior to commencing degree programme 50 When first commenced degree programme 34 At some point during degree programme 17 Total (N = 114) 100 How became aware of advice and support from GCU Student Mentors % for each response (N = 120) From GCU staff 64 From GCU Student Mentors 39 From promotional activities 37 From students in class/in GCU 27 GCU College Connect website 21 Other 8
Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU College Connect Student Survey Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU How often had contact with GCU Student Mentors to date at GCU % Very often 4 Often 3 Sometimes 8 Rarely 33 Never 51 Total (N = 121) 100
Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU College Connect Student Survey Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU Type of contact with GCU Student Mentors to date at GCU % for each response (N = 57) Via email from GCU Student Mentors 56 One-to-one contact with GCU Student Mentors 35 Other 21 Type of advice and support received from GCU Student Mentors to date at GCU % for each response (N = 56) Induction/Orientation 73 Academic 45 Administration 34 Personal/Social 27 Financial 16
Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU College Connect Student Survey Awareness of and engagement with GCU Student Mentors at GCU Level of satisfaction to date with GCU Student Mentors % Very satisfied 29 Satisfied 57 Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 12 Dissatisfied - Very dissatisfied 2 Total (N = 58) 100
Preliminary Conclusions Awareness of, and engagement in, the Associate Student Scheme mixed Articulating students very positive about the supports and activities (both outwith and within the Scheme) More than half of respondents were aware of advice and support at GCU from GCU Student Mentors Those aware had high levels of satisfaction with mentors However, engagement overall is low with over half of those aware never been in contact with a mentor…BUT….
Thank You and Any Questions? Dr Robert Ingram Yvonne Wayne @GCUConnected