Hosa 2017-2018 September 21, 2017
HOSA DUES $50.0 For HOSA (include shirt and competition). Money is due no later than September 28. You can turn in Money to G101 Please put your dues in a white envelope with the following labels: First and Last name, Which competition you are joining, and your t-shirt size as well as long or short sleeves. Checks can be made out to Dulles Activity Fund
Health Career Display, HOSA bowl Small Long sleeves Noor Balagam $60.00 DULLES ACTIVITY FUND Noor Balagam Health Career Display, HOSA bowl Small Long sleeves
HOSA POINT SYSTEM YOU NEED 30 POINTS This is for letterman jackets: Based on competition: Local- 1 point max Area- 2 points State- 3 points National- 4 points Community service: 1 point per activity max of 3 points per year. CTE Course: 0.5 points per semester
Strike System You will get strikes for missing meetings and practices. We will hold practices M-F from 2:45 to 3:15. Required two practices per week (the weeks that we don’t have a meeting). You can get a max of 2 strikes for practices. Meetings: The 1st and 3rd thursday of the month. You can get a max of 3 strikes for meetings. 5 STRIKES AND YOU ARE OUT!
QR CODE This the new system to take attendance. We will later provide each of you with QR code, that we will print out for you.
HOSA Competition Competition Events: Medical Term CPR/ First Aid Medical Math Sports Medicine HOSA Bowl Creative Problem Solving Human Growth Veterinary Science *For more information, go to www.texashosa.org and www.hosa.org
First Aid/CPR Medical Math Complete a written test Includes the use of ratio/proportion, dosage calculation, metric and household equivalents, roman numerals, abbreviations, and general math Written Test Perform procedures - action based on scenarios presented related to CPR (Adult/AED, 2 man system, child and infant CPR) first aid medical emergencies
Medical Assistant Dental Assistant Skills are tested in the clinical setting Judged on general office skills, communication skills, patient education, knowledge of anatomy and physiology, terminology, instrument identification and equipment, and clinic procedures and techniques. Need to be able to assess a situation in a short period of time and perform a skill required for that situation within the given time limit. Spelling counts for all.and administrative setting. Judged on speed, the use of correct safety measures and ability to interact with a patient. Compete in chair-side assisting; preparation of dental materials; infection control; and emergency, laboratory and office procedures. Skills evaluated may include administrative, clinical or laboratory dental areas.
Nurse Assistant Health Bowl Demonstrate knowledge and skill in performing personal care, encouraging patient independence, assisting with ambulation, and performing other routine tasks, including standard infection control procedures used in basic nurse assisting. Students will demonstrate knowledge and abilities in CPR, and the measurement of vital signs. Contestants will be familiar with basic anatomy, communications skills, legal/ethical issues and employment skills. Tests teams of four students on their collective knowledge of health occupations. Teams are judged on speed and accuracy Answering questions in nine categories: (1) Academic Foundations; (2) Communication; (3) Systems; (4) Employability Skills; (5) Legal Responsibility; (6) Ethics; (7) Safety Practices; (8) Teamwork; (9) Health Maintenance.
Don’t miss out!!! Join our family!!! Twitter- @DullesHOSA Remind: Text- “@dulleshosa” to 81010 Link to join: https://www.remind.com/join/dulleshosa Email: dulleshosa@gmail.com