Physics of two PHAs using groundbased observations


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Presentation transcript:

Physics of two PHAs using groundbased observations M. Birlan1,2, M. Popescu2,1, A. Nedelcu2,1, A. Sonka2, B. Dumitru1,3 IMCCE, CNRS UMR8028, Observatoire de Paris Astronomical Institute, Romanian Academy Institute for Space Science, Romania AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

Asteroid population More than 700,000 objects 13,500 Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA), ~900 Potential Hazardous Asteroids (PHA) ~11% of NEA Population with known spectral trends (1,400 objects) 2007 PA8 2004 BL86 AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

Discover an asteroid- short opportunities for NEA AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016 Credits:

Spectroscopy - NEAs Geometries of observations - only few / century Spectroscopy – one spectrum for the major part of observed NEAs New constrains concerning their phisics Requires medium to large groundbased facilities & dedicated observing instruments/modes AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2007 PA8 Tisserand parameter – 2.947 (close to JFC) Belongs to the 5% largest PHA Delta V = 6.8 km/s MOID = 0.024 Close approach 5 Nov 2012 Diameter: ~ 2km AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2007 PA8 IRTF – September 2012 Band I & II parameters 2007 PA8 more akin to H chondrites Fresh surface No taxonomic match in Bus-DeMeo taxonomy AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2007 PA9 - dynamics Backward integration of 1,275 clones for 200kyrs Evolution of population & density of population/century in (a,e) space Nedelcu et al, A&A, 2014 AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2007 PA8 - Remarks Piece of a larger H –like parrent body in the Main Belt Parrent body other than asteroid 6 Hebe Express delivery from the Main-Belt to NEAs AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2004 BL86 - Grazed the Earth : Jan 26, 2015 - Distance: 1.2 million km. - Discovered in 2004 (LINEAR program) Estimated diameter: 500m Arecibo radar : binary object AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

Physical properties Usually observations using 3m diameter facilities: IRTF (Hawaii) & INT (Canarias Islands) operated remotely from Paris Observatory (CODAM) or Bucharest-Astronomical Institute (ROC). CODAM ROC AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2004 BL86 Successful observing runs in Feb 6 & 7, 2015, first spectrum of this PHA (INT/Vis + IRTF/Nir) AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2004 BL86 Analysis - BL86 is V-type asteroid Mineralogical analysis: 2004 BL86 has a basaltic mineralogy Thermal albedo of BL86 help in deriving a diameter of 290 ± 20 m. AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

2004 BL86 Spectroscopic analysis diminish by 40% the diameter previously estimated Long term orbital integrations using clones show that 2004 BL86 is highly chaotic No keyhole for hitting the Earth in the next five centuries Next favorable observation of 2004 BL86 in 2050! Birlan et al A&A, 2015 AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016

NIR spectroscopy – 809 Lundia Hunting for the right time needs – physical ephemerides Coordinate photometry & spectroscopy AIM, Madrid, March 1-2, 2016